Quote Wall 2007

Apr 28, 2007 01:06

This is the moment you've all been waiting for...

Well, not actually, but since Fi was way tired and I'm still up and I was bored...(and I can't vacuum at one in the morning) I present you with Quote Wall 2007!

HELLO my name is W.B. Yeats (Yaii-ts)

Fi: “Vowels! Hallelujah!”

Ki: “The cool thing about working with the dictionary is you can read it in between.”

Elise: “You have to wonder why anybody would be a lesbian when there are such beautiful creations as men.”

Ci: “The sweet and juicy nougat that is the gospel.”

Brazil: “I’m actually commander of the nuclear missile silo underneath BYU campus. I have to report for duty.”
Ci: “I knew it was true.”
Fi: “I always knew we had plans to take over the world.”
Ti: “Shhh.”
Ci: “What do you think Armageddon is?”

Ci: “I don’t eat what I kill.”
Fi: “That’s called cannibalism.”

Brazil: “Too much L337. Too much L337!”
Bel: “My social skills are burning. Burning!”

Brazil: “What are you dying of?”
Ci: “I don’t know. Death.”

Bel: “I have to be a stupid engaged person on film.”
Ci: “You’re a stupid engaged person in real life.”

Ci: “He’s a great guy. But I’ve got some serious problems with his vocabulary expectations.”

Bro. Norton, High Counselor: “They’re all little witches. Except with a ‘b’. And so are their mothers.”

Ti: “Listen to the dead princess!”

Ci: “You’re supposed to be super villains. Put some pants on.”

Brazil: “It’s always good to be possessed.”

Fi: “Your building sucked and that’s why it collapsed on my family.”

“All hail the POWER of BAUER.”

Bel (sing-songing): “I’m gonna have sex in August~”

“Do NOT use the sink, or I will KILL you.” ♥ Fi

Ki: “I told you!”
Fi: “Like I listen.”

Fi: “Would you like to sleep with Legolas, or not?”

Brazil: “No, we are not jerks for not screwing ourselves. Thank you.”

Bel: “I’m saving Middle Earth!”

Bel: “Brazil just got lucky.”

Ci: “I have lots of points, Ti. You want to see them?”

Fi: “Just in case it ever comes up in your life: If you are a prostitute you will never be happy, no one will ever love you, and men will try to kill you for your money. …Oh, and chickens make things better.”

Fi: “I have self-esteem issues.”
Ti: “Yes. I’m telling you to shove them.”

Brazil: “Mmm…eggroll innards.”
Ti: “Did you just say innards?”
Brazil: “Yes.”

Ti: “I really feel like watching some awful chick flick right now. But, I have to kill things instead.”

Ci: “Well, actually we think you’re a whore if you get back after 12:05.”
Bel: *takes a swing at*

Ci: “That part just looks like deformed baby.”

Ki: “You’re speaking in italics again.”

Ci: “No screw you. You take off my faucets.”

Bel: “That is a freaking apostle. Shut up or I will hit you.”

Ci: *pokes Fi* “Poke of Slackerdom.”

Ki: “Fi, eat bunny butt.”

Ti: “Something is trying to kill you.”
Ci: “I wish that were my only problem.”

And if anyone could tell me how to do the little filled in heart in lj that would be great...

life, roommates, quote wall

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