Busy busy baka

Feb 07, 2007 14:08

So, life has continued and despite how very stressed I should be...I guess I feel relatively calm. I think.

Monday consisted of class, homework, skipping FHE to do said homework (along with make-up work) and I managed to get quite a bit done. Read two and a half plays (Fashion, Octoroon, Uncle Tom's Cabin) and did my reading for 376 as well. Mostly did homework that night and while it was productive, it made me very, very tired. And Brazil and I ended up watching Heroes at 8, then heading up to campus to find him a computer lab and let him finish up his labs. ...and I read. We finished up at midnight and headed home. Not the most exciting, but we were productive!

Tuesday was full of class, homework, work, and after we'd finished our homework (or all that we could stand at least), we ate ice cream! Then Brazil and I watched the first episode of EVA. In English. Granted, it looks like it could be okay, but it's really not sucking me in yet. Mechs, cool, aliens, cool, fight scenes that are awesome, cool. ...but Shinji? Can die. Please. I think it's a mixture of his whininess, and mostly his voice actor. Give a normal actor whiny lines? They're mostly tolerable. Give those lines to a whiny-ish voice? This invokes eye-twitchy Bel. ...but y'know, I was way too tired to be irked. And yes, Brazil, we can keep watching it. We both agreed that Shinji is lame.

Brazil: So what did you think?
Bel: I hate Shinji's voice actor.
Brazil: I hate Shinji.

And just to remind myself...

Non-school things:
Shades tags: journals? Tsuba!mission tag!
Jason Birthday party at 7 on Wed.
Cook with Mom on Thursday. ...or just do take-out.
Board Game party with Brazil and his friends on Friday.
Meet with 495 group at 3 on Friday. Bring Shigi and have my portion of the Powerpoint done. *sighs*
Go shopping with Mom sometime in there.

To do tonight
Cash check from Ki
Pay Rent (online, yay!)
376: Yeats 2253-2270, Longman 2582-2583, read more Forester (getting ahead is good!); start analysis paper if possible...(presenting it the 15th)
CHum: CSS Prep assignment?
391: Read Ch. 8, RR; figure out project subject.
495: Type up my notes for my portion of the powerpoint presentation.
Jason's b-day party @7

And as for Thursday...
Go to class
<>Figure out what Mom and I'll be making for dinner Mmm, Thai Ruby.
Spend time with Mom! (And Brazil)

Mom comes in tomorrow! I'm very much excited, though her arrival reminds me of the numerous things I need to get done so I will be able to spend most of my time with her. I'm sure she'd be understanding and give me time to do homework and such, but...I want to spend time with her. So I'll be cramming in as much as possible tonight. And...I don't know when else.


parents, life, homework, family, to-do, school, fhe, classes, anime

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