Just Another Monday Night

Dec 18, 2006 21:14

Monday night of Final's Week and all is well. FHE went well despite me forgetting about it until two hours before it started, I'm well fed, I just got my present from Ti (THANK YOU!) and I've got a Go-chan on my bed. Hah! Bet none of you got that!

Buuuuuut didn't get a whole ton done today. Showered, worked (entered grades) for Griggs, took Ki to the printing place to pick up her books, then came home and dinked around a bit. Fixed up my latest Tevin scene in caer_awen, and then set up for FHE. Not many people came tonight, but we still had fun. And hot chocolate. I for once gave the thought and hope it turned out well. Overall, it's been a good year.

Annnd now I'm off to write a paper about a crazy poet guy. Yay! (Then I'll memorize Scripture Mastery and take my D&C final...)


work, presents, life, finals, fhe, papers, fics

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