Option 1?

Oct 13, 2006 10:00

So, I chatted with Ci a lot last night. We have these great nights quite often, I've enjoyed them all.

This time it was about what I should do, what career options I had and such. (Ci was also the one to suggest I look into this asap and talk to the English teacher I like best.)

...so we're thinking manga translation? Yeah...I dunno. I'd love to do that, but I have absolutely no idea how to get into it. I'm an English major and I could pick up my Japanese minor again. I was dang close to finishing it, though by this point I'm way rusty and it would take a lot of self-study to get back up to par.

And just helping Ki out with her Raidou icon and giving suggestions for captions made me miss Japanese. (Though I'd still like to know where in the world that girl got the translation "I apologize for giving this trash/garbage to you" from Owari. Yeah...) Granted, I didn't give any good suggestions, but...man. I used to be so good at it and I know I'm capable of it. Plus I love the language, the culture and I'm starting to lose my touch with it.

This saddens me. But oh man, does 301 look like a terrible, terrible monster...

Plus, plus! Ci agreed that the translation companies need someone with my credentials. "Hey, she speaks the language and...*gasp* She can write in English!" Yup. So...here's my first thoughts.

Any suggestions? Thoughts? Comments? They'd be much appreciated.


future, school, japanese, english, manga, jobs

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