
Feb 17, 2008 21:34

Apparently there are definite downsides to being the new girl, nice to the receptionist, and well... giving said receptionist your phone number.

I have to fill in for her tomorrow, though thankfully I have another work obligation in the morning so I don't have to show up at 8 to open. I much prefer closing to opening. No messages to answer, no 8 a.m.... y'know. Lots of those things.

Anyhoo, life has been generally good this weekend. Though I wish it extended until Monday, like it does for all my friends here, who are still in school. *sigh* Oh, the woes of full-time employment. So, while Brazil will be hosting a LAN party of DOOM I'll be at work, and by the time I get to turn off the computer he is under orders to have it end. I'd really rather not step into that when I get off work. After that, if all goes well and Brazil isn't social-ed out, we'll have our RP group meet. And I could really, really use it. I adore being my massive Psi-Kitty. C'mon, who wouldn't want to play a 7 foot long black cat who can literally kill you with his brain?

Ah, Nimitz...

Went to the in-law's for dinner. The dinner turned into lounging and I think...I got in-laws-ed out. Either way, I'm feeling 'meh' and dreading the first part of tomorrow. Called my parents after that and got handed off from Dad to Nana to Mom to my sister who was there for dinner. Felt a little odd and I'd run out of things to say by the end, so the last bit was a little awkward. Oh well, at least it was hard to hear?

Plus I still haven't sorted out all the details for the Mary Kay party. I emailed the girl back on Thursday and she still hasn't replied. I haven't called her yet, but I was hoping she'd be at church. No luck, though. It looks like I'm aiming for Saturday evening, though. Or at least...that's what I'm hoping for? I mostly just want to avoid the Tuesday night/Saturday morning group session with a meeting we'd be dragged into again. I didn't enjoy the last meeting and certainly don't want to get stuck in another. Let alone bring in my friends. So, we'll see. And here's hoping.


family, work, mary kay, nimitz, brazil, rp, food

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