
May 20, 2007 19:56

when did i become invisible??? why can you not see Me? i see you.
am i just a window that you try to look thru towards better things..or a mirror you dont chose to look into anymore at all for fear of what you'll see?!
with my brightest plumage exposed
shimmering jewels in others eyes
reflect nothing in yours.
i adore you. i love you. yet to you my existance is non existant.
look at ME! i am here..all of me..hiding nothing in this spotless glass you can look thru.
breath on me and watch me steam up. write your name on me. know that if you throw rocks, i can crack just as easily as you. just SEE me. acknowledge that some of the most beautiful things in your life are those you just dont make the time to look at enough to really see.
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