I love whisky sours

Mar 04, 2008 01:09

So I sit here not tired again at 1am because i woke up at 1pm and chilled all day. I'm out of school and I've been chillen for over three weeks now. As soon as I mean to get on my horse, some irreplaceable fun comes calling and I hop along. Boo Hoo. What a terrible life, haha.

Alright, I'm going with the original idea, even though three One Tree Hill episodes in a row got me in my mood where I become my life's own narrator and wish that I could my hindsight could have written my past.

Alright so I've been thinking for a while on the reason why people get fucked up. Why we drink together, smoke together, do drugs together. But not just in moderation, but why is it that we bring ourselves to teeter on the brink of incoherence and unconsciousness. I guess the reason I made it a point to find out was because I always take the people I really like and try to strip them down to what really makes them tick. And then find whether or not I can be a part of that. And with Sweltz, I had my mind full for a long long time in trying to find the method to her mad madness. But its not just her, but we all do it to some degree.

I'm still in an age where getting fucked up is still funny and not socially alienating. Providing it will steer you to one specific side of ones social circle. But why is it that while smoking pot and drinking heavily kills brain cells, and everyone knows it, certain people lean on it more heavily than others. You know, the ones that start the blunt movement in a house. The ones doing beer bongs, shotguns, gravity bongs and cloud nines.

There are some people in this world, that I feel have relationships based on these forms of substance abuse, and I dont throw around textbook terms loosely. And my thesis is that at the core of all of this, testing the feet closest to the edge of the cliff creates a bond. I think that in a group of people, moving towards death brings us closer in life. I think psychologically we condition our friends to literally catch us when we fall. Its not often when one of us will be confronted with a life and death situation that will confront all our necessary skills of survival in order to save someone. I think people get fucked up to test each other. That through that 4th blunt, GoCab, and fucked up tequila shot, we leave ourselves vulnerable physically and emotionally in order to play the sick duck. A stronger person wont put themselves in a position of needing to be saved, but i think someone who is unsure, publicly declares ones desire to lose half of the ability of their functioning selves for the chance to be saved. I guess what scares me is that some people use heavy partying to start, confirm, and solidify relationships of significance. Relationships then are solidified into strong bonds with the weaker and weak ties with the stronger. Down the yellow brick road, eventually the stronger move away, because they dont need to weaken themselves to be able to open up and someone finds them far better on their feet then on their floor. Its a an oversimplified statement to say that the best of relationships are formed with sober times. But one big reason is that when you are partying, you always need to be somewhere. On the move, seeing this person, trying to do this, looking for this feeling. When its just people being as they are, you dont have to be somewhere, because you are already where you are supposed to be. Just being alive and experiencing will suffice. And when everyone recognizes it, thats when something meaningful happens. Sober fun now is just like living was 10 years ago. You spend your time when you can with the people you choose to enjoy, not because they show up at the same house you do. Then, getting fucked up is icing on the cake. Its not there to start or create, its meant to enjoy.

So much of me lives for sober fun. Partially because I am my own best friend when I am (I'm a big fan of personal time). Also because I love creating an atmosphere. For a while I've been realigning my best friend chart and Miraj and Manish both sit on top. Honestly, they were two of the few people I really missed seeing last week. Come to think of it, there are few great friends that I call legit that I met and became that way through means of ridiculousness. Steffy, CP and Ken. Not coincidentally, they are all sweet people. But out of all the great friends I know, only a few that I've only partied with ever make it to my "Dialed" section of my cell phone for the right reasons.

I'm not sure if there is a moral to this entry. I love my group, and we love to get flyswatted together. So what does that say about all the people I claim to say are great? I dont know. All I know is that I've only ever really moved away from two girls, both of whom I spent more time with fucked up than I did sober. And it wasnt enough, at least not for this kid. I still think that the most true fun I can have with my pants still on is still kicking it old school with people who need only the presence of each other to create a great situation. And that simplicity is human gold.
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