i dont want to feel, the things that you do

Sep 20, 2007 11:37

So im pretty sure that daniela and bobby are the only people that read this thing..i remember when i would write an entry and then there would be so much freaken drama on my comments..or id atleast get tons of comments..but its kind of nice to just let things out..even if nobody reads it.

So my landlord keeps 2 begals..beagals? i dont know how its spelled..but yeah, he keeps 2 beagals in my back yard. If you've been to my house then you know..he has this cage thing for them because they're his hunting dogs. Wellll they would always break out of the cages so now he keeps them apart from eachother on leashes in my back yard and its so sad. Me being the animal lover that i am(more so when it comes to dogs)..well...ive basically had enough of it. They are so sad out there. How would you like to be attached to a 10 foot leash all day..everyday?!?!. He doesnt even use them for hunting anymore. They dont get to run around..NOTHING. So everyday I go out there and play with them for a half hour..and i bring them treats and sometimes i just go out there and pet them for a while and they love me. I dont know what the hell he plans on doing with them during the winter time because um...he is not going to keep them outside. I will call the SPCA and get them taken in because what he is doing is basically animal cruelty and i cant listen to them cry out there anymore. The sad thing is they have lived this way thier whole lives so they cant really become indoor dogs because they arent trained that way...im going to cry thinking about it so im going to stop.

So I, Megan Marie Catalano will be trying to quit smoking. I just got put back on my moms health insurance and Im going to get the quit smoking pill because I will admit...I do not have the will power to quit on my own. I HATE smoking. I know i will feel alot better once i do. Maybe i wont be so tired and drained out all the time..maybe my skin will clear up..maybe i wont wake up in the morning and feel like my lungs are down to my knees and maybe i'll be able to walk up to the 3rd floor in the whitney building and be able to breathe after.

The other day I went downstairs to do laundry and my brother had clothes in the washer and the dryer..so i went into his room and kindly asked him to finsih his laundry so i could do mine. Well after 20 minutes of him freaking out at me and telling me that im 20 years old and i need to start getting some responsibilites and he finally finished his laundry then went on to tell me that im just jealous of him because im not going to be as successful as him in life..

i laughed. okay..thank you jay catalano. He is becoming more like my dad everyday..and i love how asking him to do his laundry results in a lecture..
yes..im jealous because im not going to be as successful as my 19 year old, pot head, drug dealing, physco path brother.

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