..I'll still say that you shine brighter than anyone

Sep 01, 2007 22:57


Im pretty sure im losing my mind.

Sept. 1st 2007----->sucks

okay so I think too much. Im good at that...and once something sticks in my head..it stays for a long time
I'm all over the place. Isnt it weird how you're a person...with your own feelings..your own thoughts..your own heart..your own brain and another person can make you feel a certain way? and no matter what, for the longest time..or shortest time..or even forever..you will feel that way..just from somebody else..

alright...enough of that or else i'll just end up typing another story.


Mitch Albom(my fav. author) is doing a signing/speaking at drivers village in october!! im so excited!

Justin Timberlake's HBO concert is on in 2 days!!! i need to start preparing NOW.

Its chilly outside and I was able to wear my new boots..a sweater and a beanie last night..:)

ta ta
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