I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Apr 11, 2009 09:35

I've concluded that when I moved up here 15 months ago, I left my heart in Pembroke Pines.  Life in Virginia has consisted of:
- beautiful mountains, flowers, and trees
- a charming sense of American history most anywhere I look
- a chance to get to know the nation's capital
- living closer to my mother
- scary, scary, bugs
- freezing my ass off for 7 out of 12 months of the year
- a miserable commute to work
- not getting an ounce of satisfaction from my job
- increased asthma and allergy flare ups
- decreased tolerance for sunlight (bc there isn't always much up here)
- an almost incessant nagging feeling of wanting to go home

It's been an epic battle between Ralph and I about where we'll be living - him wanting to stay in Virginia and me wanting to go back home.  But I've found an opportunity that may just land me a one-way ticket home!

As noble as auditing for the Department of Defense is - working to support the warfighter and the taxpayer - it's not a rewarding job.  Not for me, at least.  Being an auditor is like writing an endless number of research projects.  It makes me vomit a little just thinking about it.  But I do enjoy working for the government because Uncle Sam certainly does take care of his employees.  And no you won't be mega-rich working for the government but they give you enough to keep you happy.  So I keep an eye on USAjobs.com to see what my other options are.  And if possible, I'd love to get out of accounting or audit altogether.

Well, now it may just be possible!  There is a U.S. Customs and Border Patrol office in Pines (which is under the Department of Homeland Security) and they seem to be on some sort of hiring blitz.  I've kept an eye on government jobs back home but have never found one that's in Pines!  I've only seen options in Plantation or Miami.  And not only is it in Pines but it's an Administrative/Management type of job! A way out of accounting and audit! So I'm going to apply and keep my fingers crossed. For now it's my only hope. Sort of.

Ralph's chief complaint about not wanting to go home is that the job market is so terrible right now he doesn't want to leave the one he's got. (Totally valid argument.) However, the U.S. Customs and Border Patrol office is also hiring for Border Patrol officers!  Which he would love to do! So he is going to apply and if he gets accepted then we can go home! So I'm going to help him apply ASAP!  If I get the job and he doesn't - he will leave Virginia kicking and screaming.  But if he gets the job and I don't - I will happily get on the first plane home and find a job anywhere!  Worst case scenario there is always a home for me at Jersey's or JT's till I get on my feet.

So pray for me, folks.

On a side note:

I'm at my mommy's for Easter weekend and she has her heart set on baking something cute for Easter dessert.  So thanks to this amazing little baking blog I found www.bakerella.com I am going to make this simple but ridiculously cute Easter basket cupcakes!

And I've also got to make a Moose cake on Sunday for my co-worker's birthday on Monday.  I'm thinking one of these... which one do you think would be cooler?

 (though I think I would use green, white, and brown as frosting colors.. maybe a little yellow also for the writing or border.

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