i need space from the entire group. not just emily. the "group" has turned into a drama filled - drama intense - entity that 1. i have not had to deal with in the past 2. that i am choosing not to deal with now. i am not saying that i do not love everyone in the "mafia" but i am saying that i cannot deal with the drama that comes along with it. i am not walking away from you or saying that i do not want to be your friend - i am saying however Gemini emily - that i do need some nikkya time - to reconnect with myself and remember - why i loved myself more before imogen and less now (after imogen) - there are just things that i need to figure out alone - i am also not asking you to pick sides bc there are no sides - i do want things to change in our friend circle - i am not asking you or ali or alexis or anyone else to choose sides - I AM CHOOSING TO WALK AWAY RIGHT NOW - i am not saying for the entire semester - i am saying for right now. i do feel like things have changed between you and i - maybe because of this newfound group or maybe they just have i dunno - i dont love you any less than i did a week ago or a year ago or six months ago. (the he-said,she-said bullshit) why do i believe it/feed into it - bc you know when other people talk shit about someone else to you - then you know that they will talk shit about you to someone else - thats the way it goes - i do talk shit i must say - but i dont say anything i would not tell that person to their face - sometimes we gotta do what we gotta do - simple as that
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