That lasted for about twenty minutes

Feb 13, 2007 21:25

You know that idea I mentioned about taking it easy today? Yeah, that was cute. Barely twenty minutes after posting my pontification on the merits of relaxation I found myself tapping my toes underneath the beige fleece blanket covering my legs. Tapping my toes during "Bridget Jones: The Edge Of Reason". The height of blasphemy.

I'm not a sit still kind of girl. It's cliche to say, but between my hectic career and my OCD personality, I'm used to being in constant motion. Resting is something I don't do well. Even when I try to wind down in the evenings watching TV, I am up and doing things on the commercial breaks or organizing something (i.e. catalogs, magazines, DVDs, CDs, etc) while watching. Sad, I know.

I attempted to finish the project I started a few days before Christmas in my kitchen. It's had all the major stuff done, but I have been very undecided about my wall accents. Plus, I dislike the curtains I originally picked out. I thought they would be a good "fit", but now I think the styling might be off. When OCD and HGTV combine, I become a dangerous being.

In addition to that, I did an insane amount of cooking and baking (for who, I have yet to figure out because it is far more than I can consume). And I got a few interesting phone calls.

Monday I gave a presentation, as a favor to my boss for a board he is on. At the last minute, they extended my time, so I was scrambling to fill the additional 15 minutes I was given. I was pretty proud of the presentation, although I do think I faltered a bit at the end, trying to fill the blank time. Apparently I did better than I thought. I received calls today from three people in attendance Monday and have been asked to do the presentation at their institutes. I was shocked and flattered, and tried to do my happy dance as silently as possible.

And on the weather front the snow/sleet/freezing rain mixture is still falling. Bah.

home, weather, work

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