Jul 06, 2007 12:34
Well. I've failed this term at uni. I found my phone charger last night, got my phone charged overnight, and found a voicemail from my tutor telling me that I'll need to phone her ASAP.
So I've phoned her.
I'm shaking, crying, making wierd noises - glad I'm on my own right now - and I think I may need to go out to get a large amount of chocolate. This isn't upset about the fact I've got to re-write an essayt - this is alll sttresss fropm the phone call. and n ow I'm finding typing verry hard. shakiing so m uch. #Welll this will be helpful for the therapistr on tuesday. Hoowe does makihng a phoneclall make me feel? absolute shit. shithsitshitshit.
But I've donne uit. I need to re-submit by 24th august, and do it properly thyis time.
I hate this aspect of my coures - last term I made a SHIT costume. Poor Elphaba doesn';'t fit properly, was unfinished, didn't even get a skiert, I made dozens of mistakes. BUT the essaty I wrote was all about what I'd change, how I'd do it different.y... combination od bullshit and spin, and I got the highest mark of the course for it.
This term I make what is in my opinion, the best costume I've made so far, in Dinah, technically right up there, looks really good - and I fail because I wrotte a crap eassay and didn't cveor all the points I neededd to in it. It boils down to the fact that writing a good essay is more inportant than bei n g able to sew.
I fail at typing. soryy.
Gonna go scream in to m y pillows now.