me and jonny

Jan 17, 2008 17:27

1. What are your first names?
Jen and Jonathan

2. How long have you been together?
a year and a few months

3. How long did you know each other before you started dating?
a week or two?

4. Who asked who out?
Jonny asked for my number after the ABASM meeting, and called me the next day to ask me to lunch

5. How old are each of you ?
He will be 25 next month and I am 24.

6. What are your astrological signs?
I don't know what he is, but I'm a cancer

7. How tall are each of you?
5'2 tall are you Jonny? lol taller than me!

8. Who's mother do you see the most?
Probably equal since we both lived at home for a while

9. Who’s siblings do you see the most?
His brother's always off at college or away somewhere else

10. Do you have any children together?

11. What about pets?
Someday we'll have a chocolate lab

12. If so, what kind?
see above

13. Which bill is the hardest on you as a couple?
Well we don't share any bills yet, so I don't know....maybe our "eating out" bill since we love to go to restaurants

14. Where do each of you work?
He works at Pitt in the Center for Biological Imaging, and I'm a 1st semester grad student at Clemson....yes we're doing the long distance thing and it SUCKS!

15. Is that what you went to school for?

16. Did you go to the same school?
nope....I went to SVC and he went to Wheeling Jesuit

NO --OK...

18. Are you from the same town now?
nope, he's from Finleyville and I'm from Murrysville - both near Pittsburgh though

19. Who is the smartest?
hmmmm....haha we're both smart i think

20. Who is the most sensitive?
Me definitely, but Jonny's got a sensitive side too....I've seen him tear up at movies!

17. Where do you eat out at most as a couple?
We love anything Italian, Chinese, or just good American food.  We love trying new places

18. Where do you shop the most as a couple?
um....Wal mart or Giant Eagle?.

19. Where is the furthest you have traveled as a couple?
Clemson, SC 2 weeks ago when Jonny helped me move in

20. Who has the best group of friends?
We both have great friends, but  mine are scattered around and his are all still in the same area in Pittsburgh, so we see them more often.

21. Who has the worst temper?
Oh definitely me.  Jonny is so rediculously calm about everything, he rarely argues with me about anything.  I pick fights, he never fights back!

But I love him!!!
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