
Aug 30, 2008 23:29

For the last week...ish, I've felt little flicks in my 'tomach. Like when I was 20 weeks pregnant. But it's very improbable.. ...even though I have been nauseated for a couple of weeks. But still. Very improbable. We'll know soon enough, either way, but yeah. It's just weird feeling.

That was really the only point to this post.

So maybe I'll leave you with a picture.

ETA (ha to YOU, Nikki): Not twenty minutes after posting this, I start spotting. God has a really sick sense of humor. He's telling me to stop hoping/stretching truths to make it seem like I'm pregnant. BY GIVING ME MY PERIOD TWO WEEKS EARLY. FRAK. I just freaking ended it. TEN DAYS AGO. ;_;

bathtime, tmi, pregnancy, kaiya, picture

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