It's been a long time, LJ

Aug 19, 2008 22:51

Dude, I must be tired. I just spent forever trying to figure out how to spell "solely". x_x

Hallo old friends! Sorry I've been LJ absent. When I do get online, it tends to be to Myspace to upload pics and videos of Kaiya. There are a lot on there, so if you're interested, check 'em out here.

Kaiya turned 6 months yesterday and I missed it. I've missed her 4, 5, and now 6 month 'birthdays.' I'm a terrible mom. I'm also a terrible mom because I had her set on the couch where she ALWAYS sits and she was half asleep from when I'd woken her and I went to make her a bottle. ;_; Next thing I hear is a thud and then WAILING and she'd rolled herself off (and likely into the coffee table) and was lying on the floor bawling. ;;;_;;; She had a little lump on her head but I've never been more thankful that our couch was only 2 feet off the floor. She stopped crying almost immediately after I picked her up and didn't show any signs of serious injury. THANK THE LORD.

Let's see. She can roll now, as stated above. Back and forth from tummy to belly. She's been chewing on her feet for about a month. And she's starting to finally babble, instead of just scream/screech/squeal all of her demands. She's been saying "WA WA WA BA" lately. MA MA is next. >:}

Just got back from Michigan and it was fun. Not as much family there as I'm used to. Next year I hope to have the whole gang, including the newest member, my sister's baby that's due next February. Hopefully we can have Darius, Kaiya, and Jenn's baby all play together. :) With Aunt Judy as a babysitter maybe. ^_^;;

I love my cousin Elise. She's teh awesomesauce.

I've been reading the Twilight Saga against my better judgement. It's so awful for me but I can't stop... like heroin or something. o.o

Um, sorry to my flist because I have NOT kept up with the latest and greatest from you. If there's anything especially exciting or important you think I should see or read, please re-link to me. I've just been so busy lately. Between baby and back-to-back trips, I'm worn out. x_x

I've been in my house more than 2 years now. CRAZY. Aug. 14th. Twas also the first day of my first . in over a year. :( No bueno. I was secretly kinda sorta hoping to be pregnant again. That, and it'd be nice to blame all this excess baggage on another wee one moving in. x_x alas no, I'm just a fatty. This is partly because I stopped breastfeeding a couple of weeks ago and hadn't realized how much weight that had actually been keeping OFF me. x_x damn.

Um um um. If there's anything else anyone wants to know, just write or call and I'll get back to you. Sorry for the rushed updates but I'm teh tired.

Love to all and miss you greatly,

twilight, kaiya, update, fieldings, vacation

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