but watch for political fireworks today - Cheney is promising to come out swinging against administration critics accusing him of lying about WMDs (someone documented them and put them all 51 in a pdf in fact) and Woodward's complicity in the regime is exposed increasingly to the shock and yes-i-did-kind-of-know-it disillusionment of the politically-active left, and old rumors of Woodward being MI or CIA plant of longstanding are being whispered, and there is some sort of counter-attack going on in which claims that Harry Reid is just as dirty as the rest, having taken Abramoff money, are being circulated - and they may turn out to be true, of course, given that shady campaign funds are *not* a Republican invention or monopoly, but until more info from uncontaminated sources is out, we won't know if he's
Sen. Paine or not - or a reformed Paine.
Meanwhile, Our Mr. Conyers, to whom no breath of scandal is yet attached, true or false, (but wait until the Swifties start their engines) has written a ringing denunciation of the New, Improved Patriot Act and how it further undermines Habeas Corpus (I told you they were coming for Citizens next) on dKos.
"Patriot Act Becomes an Anti-Civil Liberties Christmas Tree" - Read it. And Europeans are rebelling widely over being used as refueling stops for torture flights.
Peace out.