superb post by an amateur paidhi, cutting through the fog of BS about China and debunking the notions of monolithic mindless servility no less than Oriental Cruelty™ and the Robin Hood Syndrome attitude that their lives are so wretched that if their culture is not changed it would be better off euthanized.
Although we are not likely to go to hot war with China anytime soon, (I think) whatever PNAC wants, it is still a fact that Judge Bork's daughter is the China expert for PNAC and other DC foreign committees and that pushing over Taiwan is on their agenda, as laid out in whitepapers on their website. And generally speaking, anti-diplomacy and counterproductive behaviors - and by those I also include such good Capitalist examples as Wal*Mart bullying Chinese businesses into working for lower and lower pay, forcing lower and lower working/living conditions on the employees - are always going to be a problem and an issue, even more so given how comparatively rare (despite our modern-day von Bernhardis) hot wars between industrialized nations actually are.
(And I do remain amazed that so many Yanks think that "face" is a mystifying Oriental concept, given our history from
"Don't Tread On Me" to Toby Keith and
"Have You Forgotten?"