Aug 01, 2009 15:57
When I was a teenager, I cared about myself above all else. I'm certainly not proud of it. By the time I was 18, I was completely disgusted with myself. At the same time, my brother was diagnosed with cancer, and I sort of went into a tailspin.
At that point I went to far in the other direction. I didn't want to hurt anyone, so I behaved as I thought they wanted me to. That just made me unhappy.
I didn't even realize that's what I was doing until someone pointed it out to me.
Anyway, i've decided what I ned is moderation. From here on out I am going to surround myself with people I love and who love me as I am. I am 'the whole catastrophe', as someine once said but I can't remember who ATM. I am imperfect and if you're willing to accept that Without Judgement, then I am willing to do the same. I can be emotional and impatient sometimes. When I'm hungry or overtired, I have a temper. I have lots of useless book smarts but I can be a total airhead sometimes.
I love books and music and cooking...but eating even more. I think celebrity gossip is dumb, and I love sports. Sometimes I sleep for days and sometimes I don't sleep at all for days at a time. I write crappy poetry when I'm sad and play too many video games.
So there you have it, me with my flaws. If you are willing to love me even though I'm imperfect, I love you and your imperfections also. Luckily I have a boyfriend who is good to me and makes me feel like a queen while keeping me down to earth. He's imperfect too but I love that about him.
I am pleased to meet you all! :)