TYRONE SQUARE MALL IS GETTING AN OLD NAVY!!!!!! YAY!!!!! I now no longer hate that mall :D
Wow, I haven't written in over a week. So I'll make this entry worthwhile and not just some girly squeeage of doom.
I am trying to clean but I have SO MUCH stuff that it will just never happen. I really need to cut down on my clothing collection. I have way way WAY too many shirts. I went to the mall yesterday and saw about eleventy million cute shirts that I didn't buy (although that was because I didn't feel like trying them on, not to mention I don't have a ton of money). However I did buy
THE BEST SHORTS EVAR and 4 CD's. (Borders was having a "buy 3, get the 4th one free" sale.) Oh man... I just saw while finding that link, that the stupid shorts went on sale today. I BOUGHT THEM YESTERDAY!!!! Lame. Well whatever I am in love with them and that's all that matters. (Um, didn't I just say this entry WASN'T going to be girly squeeage of doom? Whoops.)
I used to hate the Tyrone mall because I thought it was hard to get to, and it lacked my favorite store. Now I really don't mind going out there, and it's going to get an Old Navy, so problem solved. Haha.
Yeah, back to me cleaning. I have about a zillion photo albums that I haven't filled yet, because I haven't had the funds to develop all my digital pictures yet. I have a ton of things that require sorting. I would much rather have my pictures in albums than in a big red box that says "PHOTOS". I'm afraid I'm going to drop it and all my pics will be everywhere in an unsorted mess. JUST LIKE MY SOUL!!!!1!1!one!!1! D: No, I'm joking about that. I finally emptied the two suitcases and the big round plastic thing that have been sitting in my living room for the whole time I've lived here. I organized my DVD's. I decided where to put the empty photo albums. I got rid of a bunch of broken glass (without injuring myself). This sounds like I've accomplished something, but I really haven't. I really could use a bookshelf or two. Or like five.
I want to move my desk to the other side of the room, but I need to find a way to run my cable under the rug. I don't have a snake like the Brighthouse guy had when he installed it over here. That would rule. Actually what I REALLY want is a newer, better desk that actually matches the rest of my furniture and isn't a giant piece of crap. But like I said... lack of money.
Don't even get me started on what a dumpster my car is. *Shudder*
Well, this entry is done.