cool thing that happened last night

May 05, 2002 14:19

i copied this from my FOD

Okay, so there's this girl named Melissa who lives in my dorm. One day back at the beginning of the semester I noticed that she was listening to a Nichole Nordeman CD. I've never heard her stuff but I know she's a Christian artist, so I mentioned that, and Melissa was like "Yeah, I used to be a Christian..." She was sorta friends with my friend Bonnie, and I was trying to tell Bonnie that Melissa should come to Campus Crusade (actually, Melissa had said that she went to the first couple meetings... I don't remember seeing her LoL) and Bonnie was like "No, she's gone through some bad stuff, just... don't." Wow this is going to be the longest story ever haha. Okay so some time this semester, she had a shirt on that said "Brewster High School", and Brewster is 20 minutes away from where I live. Now, I work on these retreats with Danbury Emmaus - some of you probably knew that. So the one that's coming up is for college aged people, and I immediately thought of her. So I grabbed an application. Tonight I saw her in the elevator, and she had the BHS shirt on, and I thought that was like a sign from God LoL and I was sooo nervous and finally I just said "What room are you in? I have something for you." So she told me, and I was sooo scared, like my away message said "I am either making an idiot of myself, or doing something really cool!" Well, it was the latter. I gave her the application, told her how I remembered her and stuff and to make an already long story short(er), she said it meant a lot to her. I don't think she's gonna go to this one, but she is going to this other cool thing in PA (and I wanna go! I probably can't though haha). She also said that she was probably having a bad day when she said "Yeah I was a Christian..." and she still was and stuff, and I mean we all probably have days like that where we blame God for what's going wrong, so I believe her totally. I never really thought she wasn't Christian anymore hehe. So yeah, it went well.


this just in: i'm a christian

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