Apr 17, 2005 13:56
I have completed the first leg of my apartment search! I thought it would be my only leg, but there are a couple places that have multiple floor plans but only had one available to show an apartment of, so I am going to go back to those. In terms of which ones I think I like, I went to 6 and it's between 3. The one I thought I'd like the best is too small (but if the others don't work out, I'll take that one haha), the one I knew I wouldn't like is really crappy looking, and the one that actually bothered to give me a courtesy call about my appointment is too expensive. So anyway it was overall successful.
Yesterday since I was in St. Pete anyway, I figured I'd give Brian a call, maybe hang out for a little while... yeah we watched like 3 movies. Ha. It was fun. His dad made Mexican pasta for dinner. That was good too.
Blah, I have a bunch of assignments due this week. Stupid homework, ruining my fun. Ugh I have to go to the USF library AGAIN. It's a great library but I hate driving there. Why can't UT's library just not suck.
20 days until I graduate! AHHHH!
like a mother f*cking adult,
the badger,
school class for learnings,
noms for your nomhole