mi cuento

Apr 05, 2005 16:43

I wrote a story for my Spanish class, we were supposed to write a fairy tale, and I ended up coming up with what I think is a really good story. I had a little bit of help, but I didn't even use that idea it just made me think of my own idea. So anyway, here we go...

Justando Por Amor

Era una semana antes del cumpleaños dieciocho de la princesa María. Cuanto cumplió una princesa dieciocho años, se casó. Estaba casí el tiempo para María casarse. Había dos príncipes disponibles para María: Carlito, quien vivía en el este del pueblo; y Pablo, quien vivía en el oeste del pueblo. María se enamoró con Pablo, y quería casarse con él, pero ella no iba a decidir - fue el trabajo de su padre, el Rey Juan Miguel, decidir el esposo de su hija.

Juan Miguel no podía decidir entre los dos príncipes. Los dos fueron guapos, inteligentes, atléticos, carismáticos, y ricos. De repente, Juan Miguel piensó en algo: ¡no sabía quien tuvo mas fuerza! Decidió que habría una justa entre los dos. El ganador se casaría con su hija.

Toda la gente del pueblo asistieron la justa. La princesa lo miró con anticipación. Quería mucho que Pablo sería el ganador. La justa era muy emocionante. Carlito y Pablo pelearon muy egualmente, y nadie sabía quien sería el ganador. Finalmente, el golpe final - y el ganador era…

"¡Carlito!" exclamó el Rey. "El esposo futuro de mi hija preciosa es… ¡Carlito!"

Pablo exitó con una cara triste y cansado. En secreto, él quería casarse con María tan mucho que María quería casarse con él. Pablo sabía que Carlito no le amó a María, él solamente quería una mujer bonita para mostrar a sus amigos y su familia.

María lloró. Cuando su padre presentó Carlito a María, ella pretendió que sus lágrimas eran de felíz. Carlito besó a su mano, y salió a su castilla con una sonrisa en su cara. Tenía mucho orgullo de su mismo - para más que una razón.

Todos pasan el resto de la semana preparando para la gran boda. La boda era el tópico de charlando en todo el pueblo. La populación entera había expectado para asistirlo. María sonrió y trató tener entusiasmo, pero en su corazón estaba llorando mucho. Dos días antes de la boda, María confió en su sirvienta que era muy triste. "Mi vida está terminado, Sarita. No puedo vivir más si tengo que casarme a un hombre como Carlito. Toda la gente creen que es el hombre ideal, pero yo tengo un siento malo de él."

El día antes la boda, María pruebó la vestida con las joyas y la maquillada. "Sarita, no me gusta este collar. Es muy feo." Sarita dijo que iría a la tienda y comprar un collar nuevo. Iba a la tienda y de repente, oigo una voz familiar:

"…y no puedo creer que nadie sabía de las pesas en mi palo de justar. No tenía un oportunidad para ganar sin las pesas, pero ganó y mañana me casaré con la mujer mas bonita del universo. ¿Qué más pediría?"

¡Era Carlito! Sarita era muy sorprendido, y tenía que decirlo a María inmediatamente. Cuando le dijo, María rió. "Este es perfecto, ¡no tengo que casarme con el excuso malo de príncipe!" Ella corrió al Rey. "Padre, padre, mi esposo futuro es un tramposo, no puedo casarme con él." Pero el Rey dice, "Estás diciendolo porque quieres casarte con Pablo. Es demasiado tarde, mi decision es final."

María era furiosa, su propio padre no le creyó. Se prometió a su mismo que encontraría una respuesta por esta problema. Antes de la boda, habló con Carlito en un lugar dónde Juan Miguel podía oir. "Carlito, eres un tramposo. Sarita me dijo todo de las pesas. ¿Qué tienes decir?

"¿Tramposo? No, soy inteligente. Sabía que perdería sin las pesas. Yo te digo porque eres la mujer con quien pasaré el resto de mi vida. No dijera a nadie, ¿correcto?"

"Ella no, pero yo ¡sí!" El Rey entre con los guardos, quien tomaron el príncipe al calabozo. "No puedes doler a mi hija otra vez."

"Mi hija preciosa, lo siento. Debó creerte. Ahora, vayate a casar con Pablo," el Rey dijo. La princesa le abrazó y iba a su boda. La ceremonia fue muy feliz y al fin, Pablo besó a María con la pasión de mil hombres. Viven con feliz para siempre.


Jousting For Love

It was a week before Princess Maria's 18th birthday. When a princess turned 18, she got married. It was almost time for Maria to get married. There were 2 princes availiable for Maria: Carlito, who lived on the east side of town; and Pablo, who lived on the west side of town. Maria was in love with Pablo, and she wanted to marry him, but she wasn't going to decide - it was the job of her father, King Juan Miguel, to decide the husband of his daughter.

Juan Miguel couldn't decide between the 2 princes. They were both handsome, smart, athletic, charming, and rich. Suddenly, Juan Miguel thought of something: He didn't know who was stronger! He decided there would be a joust between the 2 princes. The winner would marry his daughter.

Everyone in the whole town went to the joust. The princess watched with anticipation. She really wanted Pablo to win. The joust was very exciting. Carlito and Pablo fought equally, and nobody knew who would win. Finally, the final blow - and the winner was...

"Carlito!" the King exclaimed. "The future husband of my precious daughter is... Carlito!"

Pablo left with a sad and tired face. Secretly, he wanted to marry Maria just as much as Maria wanted to marry him. He knew that Carlito didn't love Maria, he just wanted a pretty girl to show off to his friends and family.

Maria cried. When her father presented Carlito to her, she pretended that her tears were happy ones. Carlito kissed her hand, then left for his castle with a smile on his face. He was very proud of himself - for more reasons than one.

Everyone spent the rest of the week preparing for the huge wedding. The wedding was the talk of the town. The whole town was expected to attend. Maria smiled and tried to be enthusiastic, but in her heart she was crying. Two days before the wedding, Maria confided in her servant that she was very sad. "My life is over, Sarita. I cannot live anymore if I have to marry a man like Carlito. Everyone thinks he's the perfect man, but I have a bad feeling about him."

The day before the wedding, Maria tried on her dress with her jewelry and her makeup. "Sarita, I don't like this necklace. It's really ugly." Sarita said that she would go to the shop and buy her a new one. She went to the store and suddenly she heard a familiar voice:

"...and I can't believe nobody knew about the weights in my jousting stick. I had no chance to win without the weights, but I won and tomorrow I am marrying the most beautiful woman in the universe. What more can I ask for?"

It was Carlito! Sarita was very surprised, and she had to tell Maria immediately. When she told her, she laughed. "This is perfect, I don't have to marry that bad excuse of a prince!" She ran to the King. "Father, Father, my future husband is a cheater, I can't marry him." But the King said, "You're saying that because you want to marry Pablo. It's too late, my decision is final."

Maria was furious, her own father didn't believe her. She promised herself she would find a solution to this problem. Before the wedding, she talked to Carlito in a place where she knew her father could hear. "Carlito, you are a cheater. Sarita told me all about the weights. What do you have to say?"

"Cheater? No, I am smart. I knew I couldn't win without the weights. I tell you this because you are the woman I am going to spend the rest of my life with. You won't tell anyone, right?"

"She won't, but I will!" The King entered with his guards, who took the prince to the dungeon. "You can't hurt my daughter again."

"My precious daughter, I am sorry. I should have believed you. Now, go marry Pablo," the King said. The princess hugged him and went to her wedding. The ceremony was very happy, and at the end, Pablo kissed Maria with the passion of a thousand men. They lived happily ever after.


There's one pretty huge grammar error I made... if you can spot it you get a cookie. But anyway, I like it and I hope you do too :)

school class for learnings

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