we WILL get to Tampa, dammit!!!

Apr 06, 2004 01:34

oh my GOSH, so the traffic laws of the world (or at least the Tampa Bay area) are all designed to ruin my evening, i just know they are!! so i learned my lesson... do not go to the Steak and Shake on ulmerton!!! lol. although i did thoroughly enjoy my grilled cheese and bacon sammich, and my strawberry-orange milkshake! and meredith thoroughly enjoyed my pickles :) yeah so long story short... U-turns are only illegal in spots where i need to make them, and 275 north is to the LEFT. poor meredith, she just wanted to go back to UT!!!

anyway... we went to the 727 Bible study over at Smiley's. (yeah i know, we live in the 813.) it was cool. saw lots of peeps we know. ya know, brian's the one who wanted to go so bad, and then he didn't go! dork. lol. so then we went back to UT (quite the adventure!) and i went over to dan's apartment (crusade staff dan... not birthday party dan) and watched the last 30 seconds of the basketball game lol *heck yah UConn!* i also watched everyone play phase 10, which really ended up being phase 7 cause they had been playing for 3 hours. kelley won. then i watched the boys play video games. there was something that confused me, but i don't want to say what cause i don't know who reads this... but it is probably not my business anyway. not a big deal, just something that's a bigger deal to me than to most other people. but anyway, it was fun times.

so i found out that i only ended up getting a 79 on my first psy 201 test... that's not that bad but i thought it was gonna be an 80-something cause i thought he had to fix things. i got an 83 on the second one. oh and i got "full credit" for the interview so i guess that means i got 100. yay! that helps :)

ok, time to go to bed... me tired. night!

school class for learnings, omg i have friends?

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