ok my keyboard is getting worse every day its pretty sad (hait sund like the thing is dying) so yeah yesterday was jenna's birthday wooo she turned 20 which means she is not a teenaer anymore (tear tear) so we went to bahama breeze where they said we would have to ait like an hour but it was only like 20 or 30 minutes. so then we sat down and orered stuff and you know all the usual restaurant crap haha i don'tknow why i typed that sentence.soten when jenna was in te bathroom we got our waiter SHAWN to come over and told him it was her birthday and we bought her cake cause apparently they are not allowed to give hera free dessert or sing to her, we ave to take care of all that stuff, but the cake was really good it ooked like a fishie!!! oh speaking of fishies sara and erin are opening a BARQUARIUM when they grow up haha (you can read more about that
here). anyway for those of you who wanted to know i ordered a kiwi shake (it was soooo yummy) and jerk chicken pasta which was also yummy but it made me a little sick this morning!!! but charles and heather orderedthat too and they didnt get sick so maybe they put a bad kiwi in myshake haha. and erin playe beat the waterboy and she won a couple times lol. oh and before we went (at like2:30 pm haha) we all took pictures with the [this word has been censored] cake and then weate it and it tasted really good! yay for julie an her mad cake cooking skills. (i think the saran wrap gave it extra flavor haha jk) so jenna's birthday was lots of fun yay
today i dont feel like going to my spanishclass because i actually dont need to go, but i will anyway because if i skip today then i wont want to go on friday either!!! so maybe i will skip on friday except if we have a test which i don't know yet because my spanish class is a bunch of losers who dont understand chapter 7!!!!
oh and hey tonight is the atari's show at the masquerade i am so excited!! i wanna mosh haha i'm such a nerd. and sara might come with me, and thi oter girl who used to have a live journal but i've never met her, she is going too lol. and then tomorrow is the last tnt meeting of the semester (yay that there isa meeting but boo that its the lst one) and then friday is EMILYS BIRTHDAY YAY and it is also julie p's graduation party cause she is graduating high school this year yay for her!! so the rest of this week is going to be awesome. oh and sometime soon (after friday) i have to pay my speeding ticket boooooo. but then i will go buy lots of stuff cause i'm a nerd like that. ok this entry is long bye!!!