Mar 16, 2003 09:27
ok so obviously since i already wrote an entry i am back from big break. it was all sorts of fun!! i don't really know what details to give so i will just type random stuff.
the MC was kinda cute lol and he was a big dork but he is a lot older than me (26) so i think i'll pass on that one and plus i will probably never see him again unless he is the MC of next year's big break :-P haha me and beth were going to be the "shelby abbott fan club" (yes he's a guy he just has a girl's first name! lol) but we never did that, we were going to leave "i Y you" cards in his office but it didn't happen.
nathan spent like 124901274092147124 hours in our room which was kinda cool cause we all got to hang out with him and become better friends and stuff so like a lot of my memories involve him and a lot of the pictures i took involve him too. he wrote a bunch of random songs such as "sunny beach" (it was about how he doesn't like sand), "the boy who got called a girl", some song that didn't get too far about pens, "the roommate serenade", and some duet with tawnya that i completely don't remember what it was about, i'll have to ask one of them (probably tawnya cause nathan has no long term memory).
and then there was the pizza... oh man, the pizza. ok we ate this pizza at 3am and there were 2 extra slices so nathan and roddy didn't know what to do with it so they were going to go deliver it to random people and i was like "it's not delivery, it's digiorno" (cause it was really digiorno) and then they were going to make a pizza smoothie (nathan liked to make smoothies out of EVERYTHING!) and then somehow we decided the pizza died so i made a RIP sign for it (and the brand name got switched to tombstone pizza lol) and jason told us in no uncertain terms that the boys ended up eating it. sillies.
then one day we were cooking biscuits and jason m was like "this is zee perfect biscuit, blah blah blah" he did this whole cooking show type shpiel about the perfect biscuit and then he burned his hand. we wish someone had a video camera.
ummm what else, well i accidently grabbed brendon's butt... jason d and kim broke chairs... quote from keri: "i'm always afraid of stingrays and jellyfish and whatever the heck that thing was"... trying to follow angela and quinton the crazyest drivers ever... kelsey laughing/snorting/laughing/snorting etc about our baby talked ice cream toppings ("pwetty pwease with a chewwy on top? and spwinkles?")... the drunk guy who was hitting on me, and his friend: "do you mind if i pee right here?"... oh yeah and beth gave me a million dollars and a pony!!!! hahahaha
the speakers were good... well i didn't really like one of them but i kinda didn't pay attention to his second message thingie cause i was soo tired... millie welsh rocked as usual. um dude kim got saved! she thought she was but she was doing the whole go to church/read bible/pray thing without really knowing why so now she has an actual relationship with God and that is cool. YAY. heh on the way home we stopped at ruby tuesday and we were there for like 2 hours cause brian was like witnessing to the waitress and talking to her and stuff, it was fun times.
ok well that is the end of this lovely big break entryish. peace.
ccc trips,
quote of the whenever i feel like it,
this just in: i'm a christian,
noms for your nomhole,
omg i have friends?,
the pancakes,
needz moar tags