Feb 10, 2003 12:08
ok im gonna tell you about my weekend now, i didnt learn anything utterly profound but the speakers were all good except this one lady who didnt really have a point, or well she HAD a point but didnt really get to it lol she just read the book of esther to us. oh and she said were all sexy :) yeah and the music was good too even though she sounded like a man and the bass player looked like a man but thats okay. and funny things happened like when leland wanted to get off the highway and she accidently went to the weigh station haha, and haha my parents still dont know i went there maybe i should tell them, and when we wrote a story about a guy who ate a donkey tail and accentuated it with poop and then a pastor needed a salad transplant and then he fell off the 18 horses and ruined the creamed corn and your mom forever smells like a poop sandwich. wasnt that profound. and my motivational wake up music haha, "kum-bay-a" revisited (how do you spell that anyway haha) and i wrote a lovely song!!! you wanna hear it? yes, you do!!! and i dont feel like typing the whole thing but youll recognize the pattern trust me
theres a hole in your shirt, dear monica, dear monica...
then sew it, dear ethan, dear ethan...
with what shall i sew it, dear monica, dear monica...
with your love, dear ethan, dear ethan...
but i don't love you, dear monica, dear monica...
then who do you love, dear ethan, dear ethan...
i love traci, dear monica, dear monica...
then marry her, dear ethan, dear ethan...
haha, i had to put that in here. cause we all know that ethan hawke is going to divorce uma thurman and marry ME! mwahaha :) oh! there was a girl named traci who spelled her name like mine and everything! haha. ok so i think ive covered everything even though i know i left stuff out. oh we played quite the fun game of taboo, i will close with some excerpts from that...
me: it's a flat object, and amanda has one of these...
leland: chest!
monica: you can get arrested for making this...
me + leland: out!
ccc trips,
quote of the whenever i feel like it,
i am five years old