
Jul 04, 2009 13:51

++ I really enjoyed that unpopular fandom opinions meme a while back. I think sometimes, especially with SPN, I get so tired of worrying about whether or not I'm going to harsh someones squee that just don't bother posting negative opinions. Although even more than that I really dislike the slippery slope effect that can happen, like, TO ME, when I ( Read more... )

f: supernatural: picspam, f: supernatural: polls

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vinylroad July 4 2009, 18:36:32 UTC
I didn't say anything at the time, but your opinions on SPN made me SO. DAMN. HAPPY. I agreed with you on all three counts, especially the Dean/lady stuff. In fact, I'm pretty sure I blathered to someone later how happy it made me, mainly because I so rarely see anything even remotely resembling my feelings on the show and you pretty much nailed them completely. And I guess I didn't realize how much I miss feeling like I'm not entirely alone in my tastes.

As for Castiel, he's just a big bukkake of boring to me. I wanted to like him, but I just... really didn't, which is a shame because I don't mind Misha at all and it looks like Castiel's going to be sticking around for a while. As for S4 as a whole, I guess my issue was just the way the series seemed to shift from focusing on Sam and Dean with the mytharc weaved in to the mytharc with the boys weaved in. I'm not a big Sam/Dean person, so that's not my issue, I just miss when the plot seemed more about the guys and less about Lucifer and Hell and Angels vs. Demons. But then again, a lot of people love the shit out of that and Castiel, so I understand how it's a personal taste sort of thing. For me, the mytharc was just too sloppy to like without some sort of emotional involvement with the guys, and most of the season felt so cold on that front.

Weirdly enough, Sarah is one of the few females on the show I'm relatively ambivalent about (although I go through periods where I like her - usually when I read good fic with her in it), but I love that shot of Dean looking over at her. I never really thought of Dean/Sarah, which I think I might like a bit more than Sam/Sarah. I think if I was to pick one-episode-only girl to see more of Dean with, it would be Casey from Sin City. I thought they had killer chemistry, although she was a demon, which kaboshes any sort of real connection in my mind. I just really liked her. But in terms of Dean (and Sam, really), my absolute favourite fic in the world is futurefic where Dean and Sam have settled down with a lady/ladies. I've pretty much resigned myself to the fact that there isn't going to be a female presence on the show in S5, which is really depressing given that you can't really get a female fix in fic/fandom to make up for it. I just keep crossing my fingers and hoping that someone writes Dean/OFC future!fic or something.

Anyway, yeah. I wanted to say that your unpopular opinion thing made you very very popular with me. I should have commented, but I was having a pretty crap week, so I'm rectifying that now :)


bellanut July 4 2009, 22:09:57 UTC
Aww! Your happy makes me happy!

A bukkake of boring. WOW. Thank you so much for that disturbing but extremely amusing image that I will now forever associate with Castiel. *g*

Maybe we'll get lucky and they'll end up doing something interesting with him next season. At the very least I can't seem him continuing with the whole flip flopping of sides, which one of the things I disliked about him the most.

I agree completely about the plot getting further and further away from the boys. That must be a real challenge for the writers because nothing can possibly top how personal the mytharc was for them in the first season. And I do still applaud them for wrapping up the Yellow Eyes story when they did even though it meant moving on to this bigger story. It's weird because the boys are obviously still special little snowflakes who are integral to what's happening now, but it's in a way that I connect with less emotionally.

Heh, I don't think I can be ambivalent about any character who makes Sam smile like that. But Sam/Sarah is sort of boringly obvious whereas Dean/Sarah probably could have been interesting. Still, more than anything I've just always loved the role she played in that episode. I really liked seeing the girl of the week get involved in the case, and fit so nicely with the boys. I loved that it forced Sam to confront some of his issues from the pilot. And it's an all time favourite Dean episode for me because of the way he likes Sarah and encourages her and Sam. It was a different side of Dean, and I'm always a sucker for either of them being an awesome brother. *g*

Oh, agreed about Dean and Casey! They really went toe-to-toe and were equally ridiculously hot together. I also liked Lisa a lot because I thought she represented a really positive type of woman, and because I LOVED the idea of Dean considering and maybe even secretly yearning for a domestic life. Plus, sexy young adult history for the win!

I don't know, is it too early to rule out good female characters in S5? I guess if it was going to be a heavily recurring character we might know about it already, but I've even just got my fingers crossed for some decent single episode ladies.

Hey, no worries about not commenting! I'm just about the most moodily random commenter out there. *g*


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