(no subject)

Jan 09, 2008 10:55

1. Supernatural 3x11 episode stills! They are spoilery, but waiting almost an entire month just wasn't an option for me.

AGENT HENRICKSON, WHAAAAAAAAAT?!? I mean, him seeing the error of his Winchester ways was always how I figured it would eventually go down, and we still don't know details, BUT STILL. FLAIL, FLAIL, FLAIL. I'm EXTREMELY pleased that the last episode will potentially be a meaningful one, and not just a random monster of the week. Though I'll probably eat my words if we're left with a super painful cliff-hanger just as the show is really taking off.

That is Henrickson, right? Not a very flattering picture, if it is him.

I disapprove of what looks to be a farmers tan. I thought the make-up lady made him hit the tanning bed? Also, that's where he got injured last time. Buddy needs to get injured somewhere a little more riske.

They should have to take their shirts off to show us those. Stupid show and it's integrity for it's actors. IT'S NOT LIKE I'M ASKING FOR FULL FRONTAL OR ANYTHING, JEEZE.

2. No sign of evil trojan yesterday, or today so far, so I'm playing the denial game even though it's probably still in the bowels of my poor computer planning it's next attack. But I hate it so much when something takes the fun out of fandom the way this has. I'M REBELLING AGAINST HAVING LOST THE FUN.

3. keepaofthecheez is re-hashing her John/Aeryn love, which is my weak excuse for posting this video which I adore in spite of it's MONUMENTAL cheesiness.

4. My thoughts on the One Tree Hill premiere can pretty much be summed up by SHUT UP, LUCAS SCOTT, MAKING ME WANT TO DO NASTY NASTY THINGS TO YOU. Did he get hotter over the break? Am I just THAT starved for new material?

5. Another round of old picspam that I really need to finally post:

Smallville S2 Picspam + Gag Reels

HER HAAAAIR IN THE FIRST EPISODE. I mourned it for the whole rest of the season.

The Red Chloe Shirt. Aka the shirt that makes me want to experiment with some girl on girl action.

So many little emotions in one go! Aww, Chloe. AWW, GIRL. I love that she can be such a good friend to Clark even when it HURTS SO MUCH. Hi, who hasn't been THERE?

Adorkable Clark. Nice.

Oh man, I will always love this old school bit of low-brow humour.

Hi, boys. HI, BOYS. Too bad I find them less attractive with each season. Except for that bit with Zod, OF COURSE.)

This one is disturbingly YELLOW, I know. But I'm leaving it in for Chloe's FACE.

LOOKIT HOW LONG HIS ARMS ARE. Clark used to be so adorable. And ripped.


I most cases I disapprove of tank tops on boys, BUT NOT HERE. ARMS, ARMS, ARMS.

I can't for the life of me remember what she's being all mischievous about here, but whatever. LOVE HER.

I'm very pleased with the colouring on this one. The Daily Planet has that whole awesome art deco thing goin', but the Talon was so BRIGHT.

With caps like these I understand why Smallville fans lost it when they got a look at pilot Veronica Mars.

WHY DO THEY DO THIS TO CHLOE'S HAIR? It looks as if the sides are attempting to take flight and escape their tortured imprisonment.

Haha, self-explanatory, right? See, this is exactly what SPN needs more of. Random scenes where, say, the plumbing in the motel isn't working, and Dean decides to fix it himself, but oh no there's an explosion and now there's water everywhere and Dean's just wearing a white tee shirt, whatever will he do?! Well, Sam will have to towel him down, duh. Shut up. I can dream. I'm just kidding, of course. Kind of.

Aaand, suddenly Chloe's a fan of raves. She's an all-purpose girl. Always willing to put a random plot device above the consistency of her character.

Good god, girl. WELL PLAYED.

I enjoy that with a slight kryptonite related alteration those two would totally be goin' at it like rabbits. AS THEY SHOULD.

Is anybody NOT thinking threesome right here? COME ON.

That middle left face is SUCH a Sam face right?

Scrunchy nose!


I think that's the biggest I've ever seen Lex smile.

Smallville does Donnie Darko.

ARGH, I USED TO SHIP THEM SO MUCH BEFORE THEY GOT TOGETHER. Stupid Clark and/or fake baby ruining what could have been mind-bogglingly hot.

Oh man, chivalrous hand-holding + baseball tee. WINNING COMBINATION.

Aaand, then Smallville gets extra ridiculous for the finale, Clark's shirt spontaneously rips opens, and...

We're left with the preposterous notion that Chloe would ever knowingly, consentingly become full on evil. THE END.


Season Three. John Glover has the awesomest laugh.

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Season Two. This one's my favourite. PETE FALLING OVER. "DO YOU BELIEVE IN GHOSTS?", "NO". "I CAN'T LOOK AT HIM".

image Click to view

And THE BEST FOR LAST. It's the first thing, and it happens really fast, but it really is one of the funniest things I've ever seen IN MY WHOLE LIFE.

image Click to view

f: supernatural: picspam, f: farscape: videos, f: smallville: picspam

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