Working double-time on the seduction line.

Jan 07, 2008 08:17

1. Best case scenario my anti-virus program easily squashed that trojan it detected and that mini-freak out I had was uncalled for (but it's my computer, guys! That's right up there with my family and my dog!). Worst case scenario there's something about my computer or my internetting habits that's making me susceptible to this stuff unbeknownst to me or any of my anti-virus/anti-spyware programs. Other than getting a second firewall, shelling out money on a non-freeware anti-virus program, or complete internet abstinence, I'm not sure what more I can do.

It came back. If I disappear, that's why. :(

2. HIMYM 2x02 - The Scorpion and the Toad caps. Featuring magician Barney, temper tantrum Ted, and still drunk the next morning Robin. Proving that even the more forgettable episodes of this show are jam packed with awesome.

(Hey, _jems_, is that kind of hotlinking okay, or do you want me to upload to my own space for that sort of thing?)

3. GUYS, I COULD KISS MY NEW HAIRDRESSER. SHORT HAIR. AHAHJAJ:AHLA. LOVE IT. I almost always take the same picture with me to the salon (Selma Blair's guest spot on Friends, which is pretty much my favourite short hair cut of all time), but I always end up with something just a bit similar. EXCEPT THIS TIME. I tell her not to be afraid to go hardcore short, she asks me if I just want her to shave to the back. LOVE HER. Also love how versatile short hair is! I can leave it flat and productless and boyish, or messy and volumey, OR JUST STICK IT ALL STRAIGHT UP IN THE AIR. It makes me feel a solid 50% more pretty than I actually am, which in my opinion, is exactly what hair should do.

4. CANNOT STOP STARING AT THIS IMAGE. AJL:A:KJAH. SHUT UP WITH YOUR FACE, JENSEN ACKLES. Also, can anyone recommend a good Rosenbaum community? In need more Rosenbaum shenanigans in my life.

5. I finally finished the second part to that Sam picspam from forever ago.

At the end of part 1 Sammich was moping. So, pickin' up where we left off, basically.

Somebody get that boy a mommy, STAT. They should do an episode where the victim of the week is one of those Universal Mom's. You know the one's, right? Those mom's who are just sort of instantly a MOM to anyone who gets near them. And not because they're over-bearing and force themselves on everyone around them, but because they're just naturally warm and nurturing and embody the essence of momness. Like on Angel when the gang went all mushy for Fred's parents in Fredless.

Puppy found something! Puppy is amazed by thing. Puppy is confused. PUPPY FOUND ANOTHER THING!


Sam: It's conjoined twins.
Dean: See what I mean?

Various "My brother is an idiot and I hate him" FACES.

This one's all about the lap top. It's all very "A boy and his best friend".

SAMMICH. Oh man, what even IS that face? ADORABLE IS WHAT. Seriously, in my top five Sammy faces of S2. The button that looks like it's about to pop off on account of all that chest pressure doesn't hurt, either.

Laughing at the alien probed college boy. Followed by a face of over-compensated CONCERN to counter such un-Sam-like inappropriateness.

This is totally Sam OVERWHELMED BY HIS OWN EMPATHY FOR OTHERS. Poor sad, confused, wind-blown puppy.

That open-mouthed thing he does kills me every time.

I don't know, he just looks so BUNDLED UP. You know that Christmas movie with the little boy who gets his mouth washed out with soap? Sam is totally the little brother in that, so bundled in snow suit he can barely walk.

Guys, I feel like Roadkill doesn't get enough love in fandom. And Roadkill Sammy is especially deserving. He's just so adorably ANGSTFULLY TORN throughout the whole thing.

Yet another "I hate my brother" eye-roll.

Okay, sparky. And you know what? After we kill it we can go to Disney Land.

Out-smarting dumbass brother and getting to stay with the hot chick FACES.

I love that Sam knows how to handle himself with killer scarecrows, vampire, and the ghosts of serial killers, but a girl and her underwear make him a doofy nervous wreck Sam. And his little "It could never work, right? I tied you to a chair." will forever be one of my favourite Sam-related awkward moments.



Sam's not impressed with Dean's get-caught-and-go-to-prison plan FACE.

How do you say no to that. Ya just DON'T.

I don't know what it is, but he looks about five years old to me in this cap.

His willing Jake to not stab his with his face FACE.

See, Dean? See how bewildered he is when you give him unadulterated affection? THAT'S CAUSE YOU DON'T DO IT ENOUGH.

Dean: Hey, Bobby.
Sam: Hey, Bobby.
Bobby: o_o

"I can has my daddy?"

Sam: I kinda can't believe it, Dean. I... I kinda don't know what to say.



* Caps from Bella Caps.
* Coloured by me. I'd prefer if they weren't used for graphics, thanks. But here is a zip of the originals which you're more than welcome to go to town with.
* My other SPN picspams.

f: screencaps, f: jensen ackles: picspam, f: supernatural: picspam, p: computer issues

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