(no subject)

Nov 30, 2007 11:13

This post is ALL OVER THE PLACE.

1. Thank you anonymous LJ gifter! That was very unexpected and sweet of you, whoever you are.

2. IS RAGING AND SEETHING AND HATING LJ ALONG WITH EVERYONE ELSE TODAY. They're also limiting the number of tags a journal can have to 1000. MERRY CHRISTMAS FROM LIVEJOURNAL, GUYS!

3. I'm sure everybody has read this five times already, but just in case: I, Malcolm. Wherein Nathan Fillion hugs every fan of Firefly ever with his words.

4. Long Way Down screencaps for episodes 3, 4 and 5 are here.

5. Angel: After the Fall - Volume 1

Warning = You can't take back knowing what happens after the battle. Be SURE you want to know.

Jesus Christ. WES. JESUS CHRIST. I'd heard he was going to be be back, but didn't know how they were going to work it. I'M SO NAIVE TO NOT SEE THIS COMING. THE FUCKING WOLFRAM & HART LIAISON? FUCK. FUCK, FUCK, FUCK. OH, WES. He was so at peace with his death. So at peace with not having to struggle any more. With not having to be responsible any more. AND THEN THIS. FUCK. And the worst part is, it makes sense. It works. And this comic, man, I don't normally see comics as canon, but this was feels like Angel. The dialogue was perfect. And the relationship between Angel and Wes is as interesting as ever. BUT FUCK, MY HEART. OH, MY WES. So completely dried out. Going through the motions, counting down the clock, serving his sentence. AFTER ALL HE'S GONE THROUGH. Is this what Joss had always intended for Wes in the long run? I don't even know, guys. THIS HURTS SO MUCH. I can't decide at all if I'm happy to know about this or not. WESLEY, WESLEY, WESLEY.

A Wes/Faith vid. Lots of staring at each other forlornly in slow motion.

6. Survivor was super fun last night. Way to have two immunity idols and still get kicked out, James. I partially want Todd to win it, because I think he deserves it, and partially don't want him to win it, because I think his deservedness has gone way to his head. Besides, tricksters like him don't ever win. They come in second at best.

7. You guys, encycl_of_weird IS SO GOOD. Dean killing Mr. Clean HAHAHAHAHA. Normally I don't like fandom comics enough to subscribe to the comm, but this one is a happy exception. AND THE CLOTHES. I COULD JUST FALL RIGHT OFF MY CHAIR FROM LOVE OF HOW THEY DRAW SAMANDDEANANDWINCHESTERCLOTHES.


I LIKE THE LONG ONES THAT WHOOSH. Booth and Padalecki need to twirl around and whoosh their man jackets together. While Jensen shrugs begrudgingly from the side lines in his non-whooshable pea coat, of course.

9. And speaking of Jensen and Man Coats, that there isn't a computer killingly high res version is this picture is the fandom equivalent of a crime against humanity:

To quote the ever wise and eloquent jascott: "GOD, SHUT UP JENSEN ACKLES' FACE. JUST SHUT UP. !!! ".

(I switched Dean for Jensen there. Hope you don't mind being misquoted, Erin!)

f: superatural: picspam, f: bones: picspam

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