1. This post was suppose to be so much more multi-fandom. About how I finally finished Billie Pipers autobiography and totally enjoyed it and found her oddly relatable despite having had the exact opposite up-bringing/life. About my guilt at being a terrible LJ commenter lately. About Project Runway and how awesome that guest star was. About how Brothers and Sisters isn't my kind of show at all BUT I LOVE IT. About how Fresh Prince of Bell Air and Arrested Development make for a great hour of afternoon tv repeats. About Dexter, and Weeds, and how I dreamt last night that Jensen was a doctor (who totally gave me his number along with his autobiography when he gave me my prescription. Paging doctor Ackles!). But the SPN stuff always seems to win out. WHUPS. ONE DAY.
2. Abort, abort! Too many enemy tampons!
Click to view
Okay, so the movie looks kinda terrible. DON'T CARE.
3. There are a ton more SPN caps at my gallery.
The gag reel (FINALLY) plus
other assorted extras, as well as
Everybody Loves a Clown,
Simon Says,
Houses of the Holy,
Roadkill and
All Hell Breaks Loose 1. Oh man, I made as many caps for the gag reel as for an entire episode. BUT THEY ARE ALL NECESSARY.
4. Speaking of which,
I had forgotten okay?
(Screencaps from
Bella Caps.)