For those of you who know about it, I didn't get that job I interviewed for. Which sucks. Because even though it wasn't great, and there were major transportation issues, financially it would have been a big help. However, the blow of rejection was eased a bit by the fact that they liked me so much in the interview that they called and asked if I'd be willing to do the job part-time, or be on-call sort of thing. I have no idea how that will actually translate yet, or if it'll even be feasible for me, but at least I can rest easy in the knowledge that I didn't suck as badly in the interview as I thought I had. Hooray for boosts of confidence, however small.
That was GREAT. I wasn't expecting to like it all that much because I'm not a big fan of serials, but MAN that was fun. And it had a sense of humour! And Nathan Fillion is ever so pretty in action. Especially during that bit after the orientation when he threw that guy on to that table. I'M IN.
Winchester Withdrawal
Raise your hand if you are experiencing Winchester withdrawal to the point where IT PYSICALLY HURTS. WINCHESTERS NOW PLEASE I CANNOT WAIT ANY LONGER. It's hard enough to wait week to week, but factor in the hiatus, and the fact that this is a Ben Edlund episode, and my anticipation is really truly OFF THE HOOK. It's weird, because it's not like they always blow me away, but when they're not around it's like those are instances where they might have been blowing me away but never got the opportunity to try. Clearly the only solution is for them to never go on break and have new episodes all season long. And all during summer.
SPN: Directors cuts
AAAAH, THIS EPISODE IS GOING TO BE SO AWESOME! It's on the set of a horror movie, there's just no way it won't be cheesy as all get out. And Sam's face at the GG set is PRICELESS! And Dean talking on the head set while Sams trying to talk shop! TOOOOOO FUUUUUNY!!! JENSEN, I LOVE YOU! Yeah, I'm really losing it. I KNOW. Oh, oh, and I was worried after the first DC because it's a big pet peeve of mine when they write Dean as if he can't adapt to his environment. I'm sure he's more comfortable in small town scenarios, but he's a good hunter, and in order to be a good hunter you have to be at least above average when it comes to thinking on your feet and adapting to new environments. But apparently that was just done to punctuate the funny of Dean fitting in on the film set later on. Which, AWESOME, because another pet peeve of mine is Dean not having anything to live for outside of hunting and Sam. I know it's tragic and heroic and all, but I also think it's incredibly fucked up and depressing and a terrible message for the show to be sending. So I love the idea of Dean enjoying another line of work, and seeing that he could do something else. That there are options beyond living hard and dying young. Even though Dean probably won't take the experience that deeply, and that's not what the writers are intending to say with the episode. WHATEVER. I'm gonna keep grasping desperately at straws anyway, because, like I said, BIG FAT PET PEEVE.
I haven't watched the third DC yet, though. I don't want to spoil myself too much. And they do have a habit of giving away the funniest bits. We'll see if that resolve lasts until Thursday. I doubt it will. *g*
SO COMPLETELY IN LOVE WITH THIS EPISODE. This is what I want Doctor Who to be like every week. Actiony and adventury, with an imaginative setting, and some genuine character interaction sprinkled in here and there. I'm also such a fan of simplistic concepts that are representative of larger ideas, and Russel takes the cake in that department with his never-ending traffic jam.
It's funny, I was expecting something Bladerunnerish from this episode, but it felt more like a western frontiere story, or a depression era tale to me. Actually it reminded me of a lot of different things: Eternal Sunshine, Pirates of the Caribbean, The Impossible Plante and Serenity to name a few.
And I loved that the crabs weren't all that important to the episode. One of my favourite things ever is when MotW shows allow other factors to overshadow the actual MotW. Overshadow might not be the right word. I'm good with the monsters, and I like it when they scare the crap out of me, but I want more than just a good monster. And sometimes I think MotW's serve as a cop-out for the writers. Like, you can make it all about the monster and not really worry so much about plot holes, or actualy quality dialogue, etc. Those types of episodes are never my favourite. Despite the fact that MotW shows seem to be my preferance. I DON'T KNOW.
MAAAARTHAAAA! It is fun to yell. *g* Guys, I loooove, Martha. I love that she can be so giddy and excited without seeming any less smart. She manages to be youthful and mature at the same time. Freema really is doing a wonder job. And I crack up all over the place every time she gives a pissed off line delivery. *g*
Martha: When you say last time, was that you and Rose?
The Doctor: Um, yeah. Yeah, it was. Yeah.
Martha: You're taking me to the same planets you took her?
The Doctor: What's wrong with that?
Martha: Nothing. Unless you've ever heard the word rebound.
Okay, I've had enough of the Rose call-backs. I'M READY TO MOVE ON NOW, RUSTY. You gave me a new character to love, and although I'll always feel sad for Rose, it's time. HOWEVER, I liked this one much better than the one last week. Mostly because I love it when Martha busts the Doctors chops.
Also, in relation to Martha (and even Donna) it's looking a bit like Rose (and even Sarah-Jane) pandered to the Doctor too much. HE IS NOT A DELICATE FLOWER.
DOCTOR + KITTIES!!! It might look like he's strangling the kitten in that last cap, but I assure you he's simply holding it securely while it paws at him affectionatetly.
What did he mean? The face of boe. You're not alone.
The Doctor: I don't know.
Martha: You've got me. Is that what he meant?
The Doctor: I don't think so. Sorry.
Martha: Then what?
Ten: Doesn't matter. Back to the TARDIS, off we go.
Ten: Alright, are you staying?
Martha: Until you talk to me properly, yeah. He said last of your kind, what does that mean?
Ten: It really doesn't matter.
Martha: You don't talk. You never say. Why not?
Ten: I lied to you... I'm not just a Time Lord. I'm the last of the Time Lords.
Martha: What happened?
Ten: ...My people fought a race called the Dalecks. For the sake of all creation. And they lost. We lost. Everyone lost.
Ten: They're all gone now. My family. My friends. Even that sky.
Oh, poor tortured Time Lord! Please stick around, though, I'm quite fond of you. And David! David did such a great job of, like, crying with his face without actually shedding a tear. I hate it when actors try to cry and just end up squishing their faces in agony without any producing any tears, but this was like the opposite of that. You could tell David could bring on the tears, but that he was actually holding back.