This episode was so perfect and I'm so dazzled that I can't even write a coherent analysis. Instead I'm just gonna quote all the best parts and just spazz over them . . .
First: Can we all agree to rename the show Cas and Dean Set Shit On Fire! or Cas and Dean Give Each Other Smoldering Looks Over Raphael's Burning Flesh -- okay?
Second: I'm just gonna list all of the awesome Dean and Cas interaction now.
- Cas showing up while Dean is cleaning blood off of his jacket and standing thisclose to him.
- Dean tightening Cas' tie . . . okay, I squee'd so loud you all probably heard me.
- Dean and Cas playing FBI Agents, and Cas still being really quirky and Dean being ADORABLE.
- Cas showing up with "Oil, very special oil." AKA "Lube." Hahaaa. If I hadn't spend my last post flipping out over it that's all I'd be doing now!
- Dean vowing that Cas will not die a virgin and since that doesn't happen in the whorehouse, well, I'm sure you see where I'm going.
- I'm not going to get into the whole Bert and Ernie thing again or I'll be here all night!
- p.s. for those who know I've cast Anna as Lambchop!! "This is the song that never ends . . . ."
- Cas and Dean at the whorehouse!!! Ahhhhhh!! THIS WAS HILARIOUS. I DIED.
- Dean laughing with his arm around Cas after they escape the whorehouse made me melt. Dean was happy for the first time since season one?
- Dean and Cas trapping Raphael, that was the kicker. I love how well they worked together. I couldn't decide who was more badass!
- I also loved how Raphael was played, he was cool and hearing his side of the "angelic" story is the first time I really understood why Heaven was so upset, why they wanted the Apocalypse. The actor playing Raphe was perfect, and he pulled it off brilliantly. My heart broke for him as he sat there, one of the most powerful creatures in creation, and he was crying because his Father had seemingly abandoned him.
- Also, I appreciate the circular nature of the plot. Season one was all about Sam and Dean searching for their absent Dad, and all that they wanted was for things to go back to normal . . . to how they were in their idyllic past. Sound familiar? Because that's what the angels want now, in a way they're like frightened children and all they want is for things to go back to the last time they can remember being happy: Paradise. Don't believe me, ask the whores, it's all about Daddy.
- Alright, Cas' final line to Raphael, " . . . for now you're my little bitch" was too cool and the proud look on Dean's face had me giggling, 'cause take note Heaven: the tables have turned!!
- Okay, and now for the crowning Dean/Cas moment of all time: "I've had more fun with you in the past 24 hours than I've had with Sam in years . . . " *FLAIL*
Third: Sam, oh Sammy. Okay, okay, but before I get into that OH MY GOD NAKED SAM! OM NOM NOM!!! SOOOOOO PRETTY!!
- I was so happy to see that Sam refused the demon blood, to the point of spitting it out. YAY!
- Alright, so if Jess was really Lucifer . . . . and Jess!Luci was in bed with Sam and all touchy feely . . . then BRING ON THE LUCI/SAM SLASH. Now, please. Go! Go write and then post it at
spn_lucifer . What are you waiting for? THE HOTNESS.
- Finally, the creepy new hunters who think feeding Lucifer's vessel demon blood is a good idea are clearly gonna show back up at the worst possible time and reveal to Luci where Sammy is.
Fourth: Contrary to what Raphael wants us to believe God is definitely in the building and this episode gave us a ton of proof. We know that whoever resurrected Cas is the same person to have zapped Sam and Dean from Lucifer's presence. Lucifer or someone on his side wouldn't have snatched his vessel [i.e. Sam] right from his grasp, nor would they have allowed Michael's vessel to escape. So, it's either God or the Trickster. My money is on God, I'm not sure the Trickster has the kinda mojo to resurrect an angel and snatch Lucifer's vessel from his clutches.
Fifth: Bobby is still awesome.
Sixth: Lindsey . . . her lisp is a little too reminiscent of Ruby. Other than that I have no comment.
Seventh: Was it just me or when Cas went to summon Raphe he basically said "Neener-neener! YOU CAN'T GET ME BEEEEYOTCH!!!"
Eighth: Teenage Mutant Ninja Angel was so incredibly cool with his wings made of electricity that I'm just dying to see Michael!Dean, who is a bajillion times cooler than him.
- Also I have like, a million Michael!Dean/Cas stories that I have to write somehow. I picture Michael!Dean as being just Dean with some extra angel juice and a few more memories, but everything else remains the same. So hot.
Finally: Tell me I'm not the only one who thinks that the reason Cas is so desperate to find God is so that Dean doesn't have to become Michael? Right?
Okay, okay, one last thing . . . in the preview for next episode . . . if Cas is organizing an orgy then that means Dean is part of it right? So . . .