So, under the various cuts I'm listing all the spoilers that have popped up for Supernatural Season 5.
Be WARNED do not look at the character spoilers unless you are prepared to be attacked by very, very evil plot bunnies. THEY HAVE SHARP TEETH.
Confirmed Returning Characters
Dean - Permanent Character
Sam - Permanent Character
Castiel - Permanent Character
Meg - now being played by Rachel Miner
Confirmed New Characters
Archangel Raphael - no description yet. RECURRING CHARACTER
Lucifer - played by Mark Pellegrino, This is the devil - he is soft-spoken, strangely sympathetic, more vulnerable than evil and should have piercing eyes. This is an amazing role that will be heavily recurring . . . HEAVILY RECURRING CHARACTER
Susan: Female; mid 30’s-40; attractive, vulnerable, gentle and sympathetic wife GUEST STAR
Austin: Late 20's to mid-30's-Good natured, Genial. Blue-collar. Burly, althetic, ex-military man. Please Submit All Ethnicities; GUEST STAR
Roger: Mid-30's to 40's Begins as an anxious lawyer in a terrifying situation. But evolves into someone with great confidence and charm. Please Submit All Ethnicities; GUEST STAR
Lindsey-Mid 20s-30; She is a pretty, passionate, quick witted and spunky bar waitress, Lindsey was once an addict but now is a chip-carrying member of AA. She assumes that Sam's guilty confession of heinous crimes revolve around some form of addiction.... Please submit all ethnicities…Possible recurring/guest star
Tim Janklow-mid 30s-early 40s, dustier and tougher than the average barroom customer. A hunter, he is rough around the edges, and respects his fellow hunters until a friend's death, when he goes off the deep end and gets very, very physical. Please submit all ethnicities…Possible recurring/guest star
Character Specific Spoilers
- Is definitely in the first three episodes of the season.
- In the season opener it's revealed Castiel is dead, killed by the archangel.
- Castiel will be a regular next season
- Castiel has a major individual arc that coincides with the major arc for the season.
- Dean takes Castiel out for a night on the town to loosen him up. As you could assume, hilarity ensues.
- "I think it's going to be more of this big, gigantic thing going on and we're stuck in the middle. I don't think we're necessarily going to be the focal point...We're going to lend whatever help we can to Castiel and the angels to do their job. But what that is, I don't know."
- " of the first things Sam realizes is that given the scope of what he's done, it's possible he'll never fully regain his brother's trust. What happens between the brothers sort of unfolds from there."
- Sam will be similar to a junkie trying to get clean, and Dean and Sam are going to go through some ups and downs before their reconciliation has them "heading towards a big conclusion..."
- Sam's blood-addiction will remain an issue next season: "The demon stuff is still coursing through his veins, and he's got that to deal with...he's got to deal with that and try to get back to neutral."
- Lucifer will be entirely Pellegrino-shaped and he'll recur throughout Supernatural season five.
- Supernatural mythology is going to follow the biblical personage of Lucifer as an angel who wouldn't bow to humans. "Our Lucifer has a different axe to grind than what you normally see when people are playing the Devil."
- The series is storming toward next season's climatic struggle between the angels and their brother, Lucifer, for no less than the fate of the world. That will be the final battle.
- Facebook status updates from Jim Beaver: "spent the day in the emergency room with the idjits. Life on stage 1." and "Fake blood is a lot harder to wash off than the real stuff."