Picture Fic: Cas and Dean Make Fireworks

Jul 04, 2009 15:06

Title: Cas and Dean Make Fireworks
Author: bellajayd 
Rating: R
Pairing: Cas/Dean
Spoilers: None
Warnings/Notes: Humorous fic. Pie is involved. Rampant Misha!Nipples. HAPPY JULY 4TH! Dedicated to my awesome F-LIST!
Word Count: 800 words and many pics!
Disclaimer: Just a beautiful lie, but let me tell it anyway.
Summary: Castiel tries to celebrate July 4th and ends up having a "wardrobe malfunction." Dean's a heterosexist. Sam gets a surprise.


fandom: supernatural, pairing: dean/castiel, type: fanfiction, type: holiday, type: fan art, genre: slash

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