The Trunk of My Car Can Fit a Large Male German.

Jul 11, 2007 10:06

No leaks or spoilers from the book are to reach my ears, if there are ANY OF THE FUCKING're to be killed dead, muthafuckah.

~no major for the spoilers in the next several lines, I think...I think....Be forewarned~

BTW, -I- loved the movie, I thought it was damn straight awesome. Eff all the people who can't comprehend cinema magic and the brilliantness of the filters and shots they used. Harry's nightmare scenes had -me- gripping the seat, the "bitch" glances from Ginny were wonderful, I was wide eyed and hoping it to not be true whenever Harry saw the curtain. I was so hoping they had deviated so much as to not let S.B. go down...oh well.

Also, btw, Luna Lovegood is the strangest, most adorable pale blonde girl I have seen and her and Neville Lonbottom are going to get down and dirty. Mwhaha, actually, they're probably not but it would be nice to see Neville get a girl...or a make himself happy.
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