C'mon, some questions couldn't hurt...

Jul 09, 2007 22:32


1. Leave me a comment saying anything random, like your favorite lyric to your current favorite song. Or your favorite kind of sandwich. Something random. Whatever you like.

2. I respond by asking you five personal questions so I can get to know you better.

3. Update your LJ with the answers to the questions.

4. Include this explanation and offer to ask someone else in the post.

5. When others comment asking to be asked, you in turn ask them five questions.

~Questions from the most wonderful divided_poet~ (um, got a Mac, trying to figure it out so no embedding)

1/ If you could have a mad passionate night with anyone who is/has been in the media, who would it be and why?

lol, um...this is hard since it has been doing nothing but RAINING down here and that's ALL people cover but do you know who? From listening to the radio and whatnot. Rupert Alexander Grint, yes ma'am. He has gorgeous green/gold eyes, beautiful red hair, and yummy pale skin. Also, I love the sound of his laugh and he's rather smart and sweet...that and those lips deserve some kissing. (I should be Lavender Brown. *tear*)

2/ If you could pick one musical to be in, what would it be? Then, which character and why?

Wicked, Elphaba. Why? Because she tries so damn hard to be perfect and it all blows up in her face...she is so real and I love her witty sense of humor, "I don't cause commotions...I am one."

3/ Most memorable day?

Brenham speech and debate tournament. So much crying and whatnot due to it being our last tournament as high schoolers but everyone felt so connected...and that was the first night Jacob and I kissed.

4/ If - within a past life - you found out Shakespeare was having an affair, what would you do?

Um...be having fun, duh. *giggles* It was I. I was the Dark Lady.

5/ When you hear the quote "Just for the record, the weather today is...", is your first thought Palahnuik or Panic?

Panic, lol. I didn't even THINK Palahnuik but now that you mention it...I think of Monsiuer P but he's not my first thought.
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