The Great Adam/Michael extravaganza!

Mar 15, 2012 19:20

Today it’s Adam/Michael day on this journal.

Get all your Adam/Michael drabbles here - kid!fic, pet!fic, kink or fluff. Just prompt the Adam/Michael you want and you’ll get it.

Because baby I ship them and I’m not ashamed.

adam/michael, adam is a whore, drabble, meme

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bballgirl3022 March 15 2012, 21:02:00 UTC
Michael's reaction when Adam tell him they're having a baby


bellacatbee March 15 2012, 21:16:24 UTC
For a moment all Michael can do is stare at Adam. He looks so open, so hopeful and fearful at the same time. It’s not every day that Adam brings him news like this so Michael understands why he might be nervous as to what Michael’s reaction will be ( ... )


bballgirl3022 March 15 2012, 21:43:12 UTC
Awww! I think I melted :D


bellacatbee March 16 2012, 12:27:09 UTC
I'm glad!


ladyknightanka March 15 2012, 23:27:11 UTC
These two would be the most precious parents. Just don't tell Sam or Dean you knocked up their baby bro, Michael. XD


bellacatbee March 16 2012, 12:28:28 UTC
They would be incredibly sweet with their baby. Michael would always be worried it might grow to hate him like Lucifer. Sam and Dean aren't being told till Adam can't hide it any more!


_bluebells March 16 2012, 12:23:44 UTC
Oh, these two. So precious. Until Michael tries to teach the kid how to fly. ♥


bellacatbee March 16 2012, 12:29:19 UTC
Yes, when Michael starts shoving their child off roofs and out of trees Adam might reconsider this being a good idea.


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