Artichokes... I love em. Last week I took 2 and stuck them in a crock pot and slow cooked em. Very Yummy. Word of warning: Must start this right before going off to work for it to be ready by the time you get home! Serve them up with some fresh creamy butter and there ya go!
So here's what the dictionary had to say for it:
1.Artichoke n.
a.A Mediterranean thistlelike plant (Cynara scolymus) in the composite family, having pinnately divided leaves and large discoid heads of bluish flowers.
b.The edible, immature flower head of this plant. Also called globe artichoke.
2.The Jerusalem artichoke.
Doesn't tell us much does it... so I looked into it some more. first off the Jerusalem Artichoke is not really an Artichoke but more of a root veg. It is found native in the NE of the US. I am not sure I've ever had one but I would like to try it.
The Mediterranean type is a large leafy kind of flower that you can eat. Here's a great website: .
Ok so I am going to try to microwave and see how that works. I'll let you know how it turns out tomorrow!