Aug 29, 2008 09:52
I'm starting to notice that I am much less squeamish that my sister, or even my mom. I just picked up a slug (with paper towels, but still) from our dining room because Meg needed to vacuum and couldn't do it herself. This has happened before, most notably when we can home and a dead mouse was in our living room. I was the one who picked it up with a bunch of paper towels and threw it away. Most routinely I kill spiders because my sister is a bit arachnophobic. I think that my lack of squeamishness has something to do with my extreme klutziness. Klutziness exhibit A: I just tripped on my pants (the ones I'm wearing) when I came in from throwing the slug out. Maybe when you're klutzy, things don't bother you because you know that i could be a lot worse.
Stay smart people