happy thanksgiving!!

Nov 25, 2010 18:05

happy thanksgiving ya'll....well lets see..today was our annual football game vs fermi, i went w.nicole..this year we lost, but we'll get em back next year! we had an okay year, it couldve been better tho..we came out as 2-8...i didnt do much the rest of the day, helped my dad outside for a little while, watched some movies, helped my mom cook, ate, now im just hanging around for the rest of the night. tomorrow i might go take hannah and drew *the kids i babysit* to go see spongebob cuz theyve been wanting to. i also might see kaitie, she was gonna DL christmas w.the kranks, so we dont havta go to the theaters and see it lmao. then saturday nicole is having her 16th birthday party, and olympia, jess, gina, patrick, and a bunch of her other friends are going..she said theres going to be about 70 people there, so fun fun. well theres not much else...wed. was our pep rally, and man this year it sucked, last years was sooo much better...but yep im gonna go happy thanksgiving all!

I wish we never,
Wish we never
Wish we never met
'Cause now I've got my heart set on you

But i look away
Tabs to pay,
Lies to say
Like how are you?
Oh, I'm fine..
Oh I'm doing fine.
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