happy merry halloween

Oct 31, 2010 23:43

hey pplz..yeah its halloween..it was sorta like every other day except i dressed up as a smurf and went trick or treating..lol. too old but hey it was something to do. saw 2 pretty cuties and found out one of them goes to my school so hopefully ill see him at school. he said he was a cutip? haha im like good costume..never thought of a cutip...but yeah. got a shitload of candy. gave some of it to kaitie's mom. the stuff i didnt like anyway. then i got home and my mom stole some of it too. welllll. otherwise my day was boring i stayed here all afternoon.

once again..feeling lonely..
it fucking sucks...but im not going to complain because it gets aggrivating after a while, but whatever...for the rest of the night i think im just going to lie down and watch scary movies. and eat as much candy as i possibly can. leave something if you love me


'sexiness' :]

Created by hoorayforme and taken 110 times on bzoink!
[first off, what is sexy to you?]deep, sensitive eyes, a nice smile, personality.[top five physical turn-ons]eyes, smile, tallness, braces, *on guys fyi* and hands.[top five personality turn-ons]funny, smart, sweet, romantic, & energetic.[sexiest clothing]black shirts & jeans[sexiest song]not sure[sexiest actor]tie between michael vartan & tommy dewey..*drools*[sexiest actress]angelina jolie[sexiest item of clothing you own]hmm...thats for me to know lol idk at all [sexiest location]hawaii...[sexiest kissing style]french? dk[sexiest moment in your life so far]havent had one yet[sexiest word]theres lots of them![sexiest sound]rawr..lol[sexiest smell]adidas & axe[sexiest person you know]****
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