*SuRvEy*(entry is the next one :-)

Sep 12, 2004 00:09

______Your life______
[x] they call me: Kristyn Marie
[o] also: Kris, Kbell babi sweety pac 8-)haha ash nicole
[x] sex: female
[o] birthday: july 25
[x] status: Matty <33
[o] occupation: student at grafton high :-(
[x] Ethnicity: Italian

_______fast forward_______
[x] college planning to go to: University on miami...or anywhere in florida..Or URI to be a dentisst:-)...Or anythin 4 music
[o] future resident of: Grafton
[x] wedding:April day...not wicked hot not wicked cold..Really preety out...and evrythin goes perfect
[o] children: 3 or 4...i want atleast 2 gurls

_______right now_______
[x] feeling: hApPy :-P
[o] Listening: Sheryl Crow-if it makes u happy
[x] doing: this survey..and talkin on my phone
[o] Talking to: babi..
[x] craving: Ahhh ok haha..A brownie..with vanilla ic3 cream on it with hot fudge,penut butter, and jimmys BUT that will not happen ahah
[o] thinking of: How much i wanna live in florida lol
[x] hating:School..ppl...summers end

[x] love is: patient and kind not jelious or concieted
[o] first love: Matty..
[x] love or lust?: lOvE
[o] true or false: Ture..sumtimes we gutta face reality

_______Opposite Sex_______
[x] turn ons: Smiles with big dimples lol...Dark skin...green eyes..flirty..cuddly..and haveing the first mood being made on u
[o] what kinda hair style?: short hair..kant stand the fuckin OC shyt
[x] turn offs: Players..Fakes..guys who just want ass..and take ur heart and throw it and watch it shatter.. :-(
[o] are you the type of person to ask for numbers?: haha no...

________Micellaneous _______
[x] can you swim?: lol wtf? yaa who the hell kant?
[o] whats your most embarrassing moment?: lol 2 many
[x] what are you scared of?: E.T..The dark..cerial killers..a broken heart..mean ppl..mental ppl..and miss piggy on roller skates (dont ask) oh yeah and getting cabin fever.
[o] what is your greatest accomplishment?: Learning Charicter is who u are when noones watching...So be urself
[o] do you like tomatoes?: ick no
[x] how many TVs in the house?: five
[o] how many phones in the house?: 6
[x] how many residents?: 7..including the cat ahah..and ash when shes here..and matty

______Your looks______
[x] Height: midge
[o] Do u wear contacts or glasses?: yepp green contacts..or purple
[x] do u have any piercing? 3 holes in each ear

______More about You______
[x] What are the last four digits of your phone number?: 7090
[o] If u were a crayon, what color would you be?: blue
[x] What's the next CD you are going to buy?:Pitbull
[o] What's the stupidest thing u ever done?: haha Well...Went like and hr away 2 a football game in east bum fuk..with ma...in BELOw 0 degree weather with like no clothes that kept us warm..to watch our boyfriends play football..n then suffer of hypothermia..haha n risk being sick the rest of the yr...Or Fighting with friends over guys....or going to holy name
[x] If u could change one thing about yourself what would it be?:criist evrythin
[o] Shampoo?: Herbal ecsences..panteene..finess
[x] Do you have your own phone line?: cellular
[o] Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? hehe yep :-) Button,Pengi,Cc..and my piglettes
[o] Who do you dream about: wow weird stuff...i mean weirrd
[x] Who do you tell your dreams to?: matty...and sumtimes ashley if there halrious or weird

______You and love ______
[x] Do you have a girlfriend or boyfriend? yes
[o] Do you have a crush?: just on my boyfriend
[x] Who is your crush?: matty
[o] Where would you like to go on your honeymoon?: Hawaii, or sumwhere on the beach
[x] Do you find yourself attractive?: d0nt judge myself
[o] Do you find yourself ugly?: mehh:-\
[x] Do others find you attractive? Ask them not me

____________Your favorites____________
[x] Color: baby pink or red or yellow
[o] food: penut butter cup icee cream
[x] Fast Food: mcdonalds :-)
[o] Candy: crispy m&ms
[x] Ice Cream Flavor?: coconut
[o] Sport? basketball,baseball,football
[x] number?: 7...15
[o] Scent?: Ahh evrythin...Burberry..Abercombie..Fcuk..dior..hollister
[x] Board Game?: LiFe
[o] Saying?: Criissst

[x] First Kiss: 7th grade..haa
[o] First Job: babysittin lil ones
[x] First Screenname: omg like..nsync1212 haaa
[o] First Enemy: hahah im not gunna say
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