Sep 11, 2004 23:52
Ahhh hellooo evry1!! finally i gut this thing was pullin sum virus..neways..bak in school..its ok...ppl changed a lot personality wise. So yesterday me and ash babysat frum 3 to 3 lol basically... It was kute tho...we played with the kids..gave um pizza...they took a tubby and put um 2 bed..ashley was gunna rail the lil girl in the face..she kept complain...lil kids are fucken halarious..but nooo way in hell am i ready 4 one of my own noo jus kiddinz...sumday. 2day i was with matty and we chylled here and was an amazing day..relizecd how much i love the kid...n then went out 2 eat and 4 a drive. Alright..well im exhausted..time 4 bed xoxox love u all