Nov 12, 2007 02:42
the minds a bitch
i'm walking on this path, and i decide i should sit down and take a break
by the time i get up and get moving, i've forgotten how i got there
no matter which direction i choose
it all looks new
classic hansel and that one bitch
except there's no cottage and there isn't a witch
(and damnit there's no ginger bread or applesauce)
just me and my ever expansive ability to forget
people i've put in my 'don't ask don't listen' bucket
my mental health
and whoever the fuck i am
all lost in my ziplock baggied mind
my head feels like an emptied waste basket
with the same sticky covered bag and a few new dead flies
that look like the old ones, maybe i changed the bag afterall
i can't remember
everyone at least has their memories, right?