active, thoughtful LJ friends: recommend your friends and yourself!

Jan 07, 2015 19:09

icon: "vivacious (me, hugging myself and smiling engagingly)"
I've had a number of friends saying that they want to find more active, thoughtful LJ friends. And I always want more friends who write about stuff like:

  • an interaction they had with someone that made them realize something new
  • their introspective, thorough, and specific take on concepts ( Read more... )

lj friends, meme

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ravensong January 8 2015, 05:36:32 UTC
1) My age and location: 32, New Jersey

2) My self-labels: queer, genderqueer, geek, Pagan, feminist, animal-lover, writer

3) My posts usually fall into the following categories: Spirituality, musings about my writing, relationship things, day to day life, equality issues, animals, and photography (though the last is not very often as I'm just exploring photography)

4) My favorite things to read on my friends list are: other people's thoughts on spirituality, sexuality, and social issues

5) My friendship dealbreakers are: dishonesty, disloyalty, racism/sexism, unapologetic homophobia, basically intolerance

6) I post entries on average once every: (day, 2 days, week, etc) 2-3 days. I try to be more active here (I'd ideally like to post nearly every day), but life doesn't always allow for that

7) Things I like to do to become more of my ideal self: continue my writing, practice my spirituality, take a few courses in various things (go to college, but also take courses in things like tarot and Runic work)

8) Also, I'm kind of obsessed with books and writing. It's my life's blood.


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