active, thoughtful LJ friends: recommend your friends and yourself!

Jan 07, 2015 19:09

icon: "vivacious (me, hugging myself and smiling engagingly)"
I've had a number of friends saying that they want to find more active, thoughtful LJ friends. And I always want more friends who write about stuff like:

  • an interaction they had with someone that made them realize something new
  • their introspective, thorough, and specific take on concepts that are often assumed to be the same for everyone: friendship, romance, sex, gender, relationships, parenting, etc
  • an experience they had that conveyed deep meaning to them
  • their specific desires, especially ones that aren't common
  • their core values and how they live them
  • events in their past that shaped their present
  • previous intense relationships (friends, family, lovers)
  • their daily life and how they learn from it (not interested in a recap without the thoughts and feelings that went with it)
  • their spirituality and how they invest in it (ritual, meditation, prayer, self-education, etc)
Have some friends like this? recommend them in the comments! if you have a lot like this, pick a random set of eight or fewer.

You are an LJer like this? Fill this out!
1) My age and location:
2) My self-labels:
3) My posts usually fall into the following categories:
4) My favorite things to read on my friends list are:
5) My friendship dealbreakers are:
6) I post entries on average once every: (day, 2 days, week, etc)
7) Things I like to do to become more of my ideal self:
8) Also,

also feel free to spread the word!">" border="1">

friend & recommend: active, thoughtful LJ friends!

lj friends, meme

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