active, thoughtful LJ friends: recommend your friends and yourself!

Jan 07, 2015 19:09

icon: "vivacious (me, hugging myself and smiling engagingly)"
I've had a number of friends saying that they want to find more active, thoughtful LJ friends. And I always want more friends who write about stuff like:

  • an interaction they had with someone that made them realize something new
  • their introspective, thorough, and specific take on concepts ( Read more... )

lj friends, meme

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lilywolfsolomon January 8 2015, 02:02:49 UTC
1) My age and location: 32, Atlanta, GA, USA

2) My self-labels: Queer, pagan/Jewish/Buddhist and all that, non-binary, trans, kinky, pan/demisexual, anarchist, "poly"/relationship anarchist with spiritual process commitment orientation, otherkin, priestess, sacred intimate, lover, fool.

3) My posts usually fall into the following categories: Transformation, the deeper meaning behind everyday life and events, healing, following synchronicity and my heart, cathartic release, whatever I feel inspired to write about, which often involves some kind of longing for the divine. I love writing from prompts and I am excited to start writing from the ones offered above.

4) My favorite things to read on my friends list are: I want to see your insides. I want to see how you work, how you process, what matters to you, what scares you, what you love, what you long for. Really I want to see you writing about whatever you're inspired to write about. If it matters to you, I"m there.

5) My friendship dealbreakers are: dishonesty, unquestioned judgmental attitudes and rigidity towards others, any kind of manipulation/abuse/drama...

6) I post entries on average once every: it varies widely!

7) Things I like to do to become more of my ideal self: Intimacy practices where I consistently learn to take down walls and be more and more open with my heart. Writing, expressing, vulnerability and surrender. Ritual. Expressing, writing, sharing. Meditating and spending long hours in nature. Connect deeply with music.

8) Also, I love being *there* for my LJ friends. It's always been a sacred community to me, a family, and my online journal friends totally changed my life over the years, and I really want to feel I'm sharing this journey of life with you. I love being supportive in whatever way I am able; if you're struggling, I'm there. <3 Facebook/Tumblr work for me as well.

My recommendation: dolphindream, a dear friend of many years.


ravensong January 8 2015, 05:25:35 UTC
Hi! I hope you don't mind, but I added you. You seem pretty cool, and I couldn't help but notice that your birthday is 6 days after mine! (Same year and all :D)

Going to fill out my own little survey thing in a comment to the actual post :)


lilywolfsolomon January 8 2015, 05:59:54 UTC
Of course! And wow, I was actually born just six days after you! Really looking forward to reading and I'm excited about what I'll learn from you.


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