My bedroom: a wall-by-wall photo tour.

Jul 26, 2014 02:52

First a few panoramas to hopefully show how it all fits together:

come in, turn to face the door, and look right: here's my desk. The mirror was a moving out gift from my old housemate Veronica.  The print above the mirror is called "Sea Witch" by Frank Frazetta.  The dragonfly door stop was from darkpool. The train case on the floor next to the door is chock-full of brightly colored shimmery/glittery makeup, which I do not use nearly often enough (maybe 4 times a year).  I got 95% of it from  The circular table next to it was a moving-out gift from an old housemate Mike, and the plum-colored glass jug is from Paula, a mother-figure from my past.

The print is called "Flight" and is by Edmund Dulac; next to it is a set of two signed music posters (CocoRosie and Austra) and a signed ticket stub (Zoe Keating), sharing a frame which I hope to add more to.  Almost every item on my desk has a meaning and/or story.

This is my sanctuary.  Everything in this nook is sacred, all has a meaning.  You can see my daylight lamp on the floor at the front: I set up a mount so that I can prop it on the wall and sit on the blue cushion and soak in the rays.  The window is covered with white tissue paper, which lets in all the light (and diffuses it prettily) while also allowing me to walk around naked.  There's a blue cast because I have blue and white LED fairy lights attached to the ceiling and covered by lace.

Again, all these things are sacred to me.  It would take ages to explain them all.  If people are super interested I might set it as a project to do.

The printed fabric is from a Queer Pride celebration I went to in 2010 with Arizona.  Under it is my self-motivation calendar: I put stickers on for various goals as I complete them.  Under that are my sex toy boxes and a massage thingy and head tingler.  The violet silk is remnants from my wedding dress, and in front of it is my only framed print: a reluctant birthday gift from my ex-spouse.  It's my favorite Frazetta print, Cat Girl.

The large painting is an original that I found at a consignment store, was very sad at the price, and left it -- but it haunted me, so I went back the next day and haggled with the owner, who took it from $45 to $35 which was still too much but I bought it anyway.  It reminds me strongly of a place I have only been to in dreams and I wish I could find the artist.  On either side of it are two wall scrolls that I made from old calendars, a TreeSpirit one and a Rumi quotes one.  Hanging on the window is a 'friendship ball' that I got for someone else when I was like 15 but then couldn't part with it, and have had it ever since.  Kanika tore zirself a peephole in the tissue paper for this window, heh.  I painted and wire-wrapped the acrylic tucked into the window.  The blanket is a fuzzy 'mink' blanket which was a costly thing; I had no blankets so I searched and searched for one that I would love forever.  I've had this for 4 years now.

The print at the far left is Frazetta's "Sun Goddess" and the lacey stuff hanging from the ceiling drapes around a black light bulb.  That brown thing at the bottom of the bookcase is Kanika's scratcher (yes I've tried the fancier ones and ze ignores them).  Hanging on the side of the bookcase is my backpack Vitari (in which is my purse, gifted years ago by kmiotutsie) and my shoulder bag which was gifted by an LJ friend who long ago deleted their journal. Just to the right of the top center you can see the two mirror charms which I have hanging from my fan pulls.  You can't tell the colors very well here but they are violet (with glow-in-the-dark beads) and spring green.

The gauze draping up the back has a set of rainbow drip LED icicles behind it; it looks amazing when on.  These two prints are "The Princess and the Panther (I think?)" and "Egyptian Queen," both Frazetta.  Nestled in that back nook is are all of my photos, letters, and old journals: it's my memory corner.  The purple snowleopard is from Topaz, and the djembe I don't remember getting, I think I was with my ex-spouse at the time.  The black bag in the front holds all the stuff I'm currently using in my life timeline project.  Kanika makes a guest appearance and has no shame about the vast amounts of fur ze has deposited on my green blanket.

The print at the very top was a gift from Ashe, who gave it to me because it had my vivid violet and my spring green in it: it's a signed print.  Under that is a painting that I collaboratively made with Locke (mine is the feathery chaos side).  And under that is a painting of a tree which I originally made for someone else but then couldn't part with (I finally got the proportions right!!!!)  That giant vase holds my two betta babies, Pluto and Mercury.  This bookcase holds all of my favorite books in almost no order at all (the top is SORTA my toptop favs but some are missing and some don't belong).  The metal tree hanging on my closet door is covered in my earrings, all made by me except two pairs (a titanium pair and a feather pair).

photos, art, wishwood, sacred creations

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